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OBJECTIVE 7 LAND USE COMPATIBILITY <br />The traffic circulation system will be compatible with the land <br />use element and other elements of the comprehensive plan. <br />- NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 8 COORDINATION <br />The county will have a system which ensures that all transporta- <br />tion requirements, procedures, and improvements are coordinated <br />with all applicable governmental entities responsible for trans- <br />portation -activities. - NO COMMENT <br />Director Keating informed those presented that if they have <br />any questions about how our model works or about how our system <br />works, he would encourage them to ask our Traffic Consultant, <br />Michael Sexton, of Wilbur Smith 8 Associates, who is present. <br />Commissioner Bird expressed concern about requiring duplica- <br />tion of studies, especially if projects are adjacent, and Direc- <br />tor Keating advised our ordinance now requires them to look at <br />the other studies that have been done in the area, and also the <br />threshhold for requiring an impact analysis has increased. <br />Director Davis believed in the future, as we get staffed up <br />and get our model running, it may be possible for the county to <br />do the impact analyses for all new development for a fee. <br />Attorney Doug Kindler wished to know when you ask for a <br />traffic study for any development which impacts greater than 100 <br />on an intersection beyond 1/4 mile, how do you know the impact is <br />10% unless you already have that study. <br />Public Works Director Davis advised that we have in our <br />files an intersection analysis of every intersection in the <br />county., <br />Attorney Kindler asked how the 1/4 mile boundary was de- <br />termined, and Director Davis explained that it is keyed to the <br />trip generation rate of the new facility. We have a table, and <br />the larger the facility, the larger the radius of the influence.. <br />**** END OF TRAFFIC CIRCULATION ELEMENT ***** <br />AUG 2 3 1989 47 BOCK i* <br />