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AUG 1989. <br />BOOK , 77 PAGE 7 - 1,3 <br />MASS TRANSIT ELEMENT <br />Goal <br />It is the goal of Indian River County to provide a transportation <br />system that serves the needs of all residents of the county, <br />including those which are transportation disadvantaged. <br />OBJECTIVE 1 ADEQUATE TRANSIT SERVICES <br />The county will ensure that the availability of transit services <br />in Indian River County will not be decreased. - NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 2 COORDINATION <br />The county will ensure that all activities relating to mass <br />transit and paratransit are coordinated with the plans and <br />activities of the FDOT and other agencies. - NO COMMENT <br />***** END OF MASS TRANSIT ELEMENT ***** <br />PORTS, AVIATION AND RELATED FACILITIES <br />Goal <br />It is the goal of Indian River County to ensure that safe, <br />convenient, and accessible ports and aviation facilities are <br />available to Indian River County residents. <br />OBJECTIVE 1 ADEQUATE AVIATION FACILITIES <br />The county will ensure that aviation demand is met throughout the <br />planning period. - NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 2 CONSISTENCY <br />The county will ensure that any airport expansion is consistent <br />with the policies of other elements of the comprehensive plan. <br />Chairman Wheeler wished to know how we do that when we don't <br />control any airports, and Director Keating noted that both <br />policies are just encouraging coordination. <br />OBJECTIVE 3 TRAFFIC <br />The county will ensure that all county roadways providing direct <br />or indirect access to airport facilities maintain a level -of - <br />service C on an average annual basis and D on a peak hour/peak <br />season basis. - NO COMMENT <br />48 <br />