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AUG 2 0 089 <br />BOOK 77 FAGE 777 <br />OBJECTIVE 2 SURFACE WATER QUALITY <br />Water quality within the Indian River Lagoon, the Sebastian <br />River, and other surface waters will improve, and the County will <br />protect and appropriately use these waters to maximize their <br />natural functions and values. - NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 3 GROUNDWATER QUALITY AND QUANTITY <br />Groundwater quality in Indian River County will be protected <br />against degradation, and there will be no net loss of the <br />potential yield of groundwater in the shallow aquifer or Floridan <br />aquifer. - NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 4 FLOODPLAINS <br />The flood storage capacity and other natural functions and values <br />of 100 -year floodplains in Indian River County will be preserved, <br />and risk to life and property will be reduced. - NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 5 WETLANDS <br />There will be no net loss of the natural functions provided by <br />wetlands or deepwater habitats in Indian River County. <br />Attorney Kindler referred to paragraph g.2. under Policy 5.1 <br />on Page 78 and questioned the empirical reasoning used in decid- <br />ing on a 2 to 1 ratio and a 1.5 to 1 ratio when the objective is <br />going to the functional net loss other than the acreage net loss. <br />Environmental Planner DeBlois advised that those ratios <br />pretty much reflect what the state has come to a conclusion on. <br />The reasoning the state uses is that the survival rate of created <br />wetlands and the quality of that wetland is generally less than <br />that which is destroyed. <br />Attorney Kindler pointed out that is on an acreage assess- <br />ment, and we have functional assessment in this objective. <br />Director Keating explained that we have an objective that <br />relates to function and not actual aerial extent of it, and the <br />policies are designed to accomplish that objective. The idea is <br />if you have to go to mitigation and you use the ratio, that will <br />help accomplish the function objective. <br />52 <br />