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aside for recreational use. <br />then. <br />Director Keating noted that our Plan won't be in force by <br />In further discussion, Commissioner Bowman believed we <br />should make a study and designate areas for water skiing and mark <br />them. <br />It was generally agreed we need to track the DNR proposal. <br />OBJECTIVE 8 RECREATIONAL USES OF NATURAL RESOURCES <br />Sufficient resource-based parks and outdoor recreational oppor- <br />tunities will be provided for public use; viable communities of <br />flora and fauna on public recreational and open space lands will <br />be preserved; and adverse impacts on natural resources from <br />recreational activities will be minimized. - NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 9 COMMERCIAL USES OF NATURAL RESOURCES <br />Sufficient opportunities will be provided for the commercial use <br />of natural resources in Indian River County, while adverse <br />impacts on natural resources from commercial resource-based <br />activities will be minimized. - NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 10 SOIL EROSION <br />Wind and water soil erosion associated with land development <br />activities will be reduced, and areas of shoreline erosion will <br />be stabilized, with adverse impacts to property and natural <br />resources minimized. - NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 11 HAZARDOUS AND NONHAZARDOUS WASTES <br />The number of cases of improperly managed and illegally disposed <br />of hazardous waste in the county will be decreased, and the <br />annual volume of solid waste buried in the county landfill will <br />be reduced. <br />Commissioner Bird did not see how you can promise to reduce <br />the annual volume of solid waste in a growing county and sug- <br />gested that the sentence in Objective 11 be ended with a period <br />after the word "decreased." This was generally agreed upon. <br />***** END OF CONSERVATION ***** <br />56 <br />and request <br />that southern portion of the Indian River <br />be <br />set <br />aside for recreational use. <br />then. <br />Director Keating noted that our Plan won't be in force by <br />In further discussion, Commissioner Bowman believed we <br />should make a study and designate areas for water skiing and mark <br />them. <br />It was generally agreed we need to track the DNR proposal. <br />OBJECTIVE 8 RECREATIONAL USES OF NATURAL RESOURCES <br />Sufficient resource-based parks and outdoor recreational oppor- <br />tunities will be provided for public use; viable communities of <br />flora and fauna on public recreational and open space lands will <br />be preserved; and adverse impacts on natural resources from <br />recreational activities will be minimized. - NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 9 COMMERCIAL USES OF NATURAL RESOURCES <br />Sufficient opportunities will be provided for the commercial use <br />of natural resources in Indian River County, while adverse <br />impacts on natural resources from commercial resource-based <br />activities will be minimized. - NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 10 SOIL EROSION <br />Wind and water soil erosion associated with land development <br />activities will be reduced, and areas of shoreline erosion will <br />be stabilized, with adverse impacts to property and natural <br />resources minimized. - NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 11 HAZARDOUS AND NONHAZARDOUS WASTES <br />The number of cases of improperly managed and illegally disposed <br />of hazardous waste in the county will be decreased, and the <br />annual volume of solid waste buried in the county landfill will <br />be reduced. <br />Commissioner Bird did not see how you can promise to reduce <br />the annual volume of solid waste in a growing county and sug- <br />gested that the sentence in Objective 11 be ended with a period <br />after the word "decreased." This was generally agreed upon. <br />***** END OF CONSERVATION ***** <br />56 <br />