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COASTAL_ MANAGEMENT_ ELEMENT <br />Goal <br />To protect, maintain and enhance coastal resources and provide <br />for the enjoyment of the social, economic and natural benefits of <br />these resources, while reducing the potential loss of life, and <br />public and private expenditures in the coastal zone. <br />OBJECTIVE 1 NATURAL RESOURCE PROTECTION <br />The County recognizes the existing natural resources and habitats <br />of the coastal area, and by 1995 will have a comprehensive <br />management program to protect, conserve and/or enhance these <br />resources and habitats. - NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 2 ESTUARINE WATER QUALITY <br />It is the objective of Indian River County to significantly <br />improve overall estuarine water quality to the classification of <br />"good" by the year 1999, as based on Florida Department of <br />Environmental Regulation guidelines. - NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 3 WATER-DEPENDENT/WATER RELATED USES <br />By 1993, Indian River County shall adopt and implement <br />performance guidelines which give shoreline priority to water - <br />dependent uses while decreasing the adverse ecological impacts of <br />these uses. <br />Commissioner Bird asked for an explanation of "water - <br />dependent" uses as opposed to "water -related," and Director <br />Keating explained that basically there are 3 types of uses - <br />water -dependent, water -related, and non -water related or <br />dependent. The definition is based on which use needs to be <br />closer to the water to exist, i.e., marinas are water -dependent <br />because they have to be right there.. <br />Mr. Keifer referred to the 4 categories in Policy 3.1 and <br />asked why we don't use the same definitions as we have in the <br />wetland resource permit application where there is not a <br />separation between public and private facility. <br />Director Keating asked if leasing of submerged bottom lands <br />uses that criteria, and Mr. Keifer stated that it does, but <br />public/private interest has nothing to do with the dependency. <br />Director Keating advised that it does in the leasing of <br />submerged bottom lands. That was the whole issue in the Sea <br />M� <br />57 <br />0 <br />EUOK f'' �c 1 lam <br />