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AUG 23 1989 BOOK <br />OBJECTIVE 8 BEACH ACCESS <br />Sufficient and environmentally safe public access will be <br />provided to Indian River County beaches and shorelines. <br />- NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 9 HISTORIC RESOURCES <br />The county will provide for the preservation and protection of <br />historically and archaeologically significant sites and <br />structures. - NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 10 INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE COASTAL ZONE <br />Infrastructure in the coastal zone shall be adequate to provide <br />the designated levels of service indicated in the respective <br />Indian River County Comprehensive Plan elements and sub -elements, <br />including future service areas and phases of implementation. <br />Commissioner Bird noted that this Hurricane Vulnerability <br />Zone keeps cropping up, and he hoped we are not painting our- <br />selves in a corner because he is not sure how big an area that <br />encompasses. <br />Reference was made to the Hurricane Vulnerability Zone map <br />found on Page 43.1, and Commissioner Bird pointed out that <br />basically takes in everything from the ocean to U.S.I. throughout <br />the whole length of the county, and that is your major <br />development corridor in the county. <br />Director Keating noted that you will not have to worry about <br />package plants being there because the Hutchinson Island Plan <br />prohibited any more on the barrier island, and he felt the entire <br />length of the county on U.S.I will be served by the systems we <br />have. <br />Commissioner Eggert commented that this essentially is <br />saying no new wastewater package plants will be allowed between <br />the beach and U.S.I, and it was noted that most of this is set <br />forth by the state. <br />60 <br />