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=I <br />OBJECTIVE 11 LIMIT DENSITIES IN THE COASTAL HIGH -HAZARD ZONE <br />Indian River County shall limit densities and direct development <br />away from known or predicted coastal high -hazard areas. <br />***** END OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ELEMENT ***** <br />RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT <br />Goal <br />It is the goal of Indian River County to provide a recreation and <br />open space system which meets the needs of all residents of the <br />county, is accessible to all residents of the county, and maxi- <br />mizes the county's physical, cultural and historical resources. <br />OBJECTIVE 1 ADEQUATE PARKLANDS <br />The county will at all times during the planning period have a <br />sufficient supply of parklands to accommodate the county <br />residents at the accepted service levels. - NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 2 <br />By 1995, the county will have 80 acres of community park in the <br />south district. - NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 3 <br />By 2000, the county will have developed at least 60 percent of <br />its currently undeveloped existing park acreage. <br />Mr. Keifer wished to know if there is a possibility that we <br />could make further improvements to the Wabasso Causeway for a <br />passive park, and Commissioner Bird assured him that is defi- <br />nitely being considered and there will be continued improvements. <br />OBJECTIVE 4 <br />By 1995, the county's recreation system will meet demand through <br />the coordination of public and private resources. - NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 5 ACCESS <br />By 1995, the county will have increased accessibility throughout <br />its park system, and will have eliminated any existing con- <br />straints in the county's parks. - NO COMMENT <br />61 <br />BOOK. 1 F, a � SU <br />