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SEP 1 10,89 NOK ci g� <br />.— a <br />r. P AW <br />the Board on the negotiations, but he seriously questioned the <br />whole process. He felt we are paying more than we should for it, <br />and that we are not getting what we ought to be getting. <br />Commissioner Scurlock recalled that he was in the minority view on <br />this issue, and believed this thing is getting deeper and deeper <br />and is costing more and more. He was the one, and still is, who <br />felt we should go out and buy what we want, paying cash, and get <br />on with it. However, that was not the Board's view and that was <br />not the direction given to Administrator Chandler. He didn't want <br />anybody to misconstrue what he was saying. He was absolutely for <br />buying the Gardens, but did not want to purchase the wetlands. <br />Commissioner Scurlock questioned the $400,000 for utilities <br />that is a part of the appraisals on thin purchase. He wondered if <br />that is really a vesting and is the value that the appraisals put <br />on it. <br />Attorney Vitunac advised that staff determined that they were <br />vested for utility purposes, at a significant cost to the utility <br />system which will not have to be paid if the County owns and uses <br />that property for a park. In effect, that is a $400,000 reduction <br />in the price. <br />Commissioner Scurlock added that Utilities has a policy that <br />says when you return capacity, there has to be a willing buyer for <br />that capacity. There is no requirement on the County to buy back <br />capacity unless they resell. <br />Commissioner Bird asked Attorney Vitunac to go through the <br />$400,000 bit once more, and Attorney Vitunac explained that Vista <br />Gardens, as part of a deal that was before his time, has a right <br />to free water service from the County, maybe sewer too, and those <br />impact fees add up to about $400,000. If the County owns this <br />property as a park, it won't need 100, 200, or 300 connections, <br />and those connections or reservations in capacity in the plant <br />would be available for resale to other developers somewhere else. <br />The County Utilities Department would get $400,000 in cash for <br />34 <br />M M M <br />