<br />OF TITLE 111 M• a1rcJ.ast Ut tale f ft'•'prd as Lvnxjit dr/rnt 11y a fripidablP jowl rum"in i atlsh;rt tam It, lad 11vq, eel File t r,.Pna.l Iy :n, ^•'a'n.,o ' +
<br />n 1'1• all :rflp.lif Ry,rn,7'A III Ile PnSlnm. ids .dir,•hnq tdip h, Read htnxhly nrturipd m IM IxAyrc recall" at the coolly wlx`rrn neat F41gr»IY •� Pm:a'.ql tin.. rlh ( btu•
<br />L Iw,It x1411 I:rr,l,,.••rJ tvt11• pr rel+,V nddx: a slrh Leer dalr as may Ir! anloma•y in the enufay Utw1 cbsintj d tln4 UN1str.lknt IM aLsl•wt 449 Iv[Ima
<br />NNx Ire `y to /6y?r Mdie, l hi llw'yda to nt•4hlxyl aggnol Iry last na4-w%P0 inlhl ftley Paid 121 A title a aa'ce rmahilail hum» try a Tlowln 11m,, -Pt lits" -IMNrr MPa?y 1
<br />h: ,As$e n R,yv telt•, r.«.,xrkng Of f11'P de4•d h) fl -Nim. an owner/ prij M tale vmrmw* 111 Nv amOtall Iry purchase mice. inslrag Rovers title. In Ile .al IM•g4Pf1/ xtdry'!'f n•dy
<br />Seller al Ci before CMA, SP1le, !.1,,411 nill'er•y a mn•krla'ma
<br />h enol p1a ma+ ra . a Per..•Id call m nu lett alrvt set Imth in Ili 5 GtpJr�Ncl oaf NvgP dj t shin la le ilistle Off
<br />gPd by taJ
<br />• + ' " t.'M• pdrptcl rY"y ht 'I ar. .4•lu n•Mares nxcem ln4 W it vildSAl4n19 Sof f rdt n Catdratc Alsdtt'IaNe lire Mwg be detprmirpd arcocatg M stxvxoihlr 1dtP SlmviaM4 a•bpkai try
<br />a.dl.lny M Ttr I lu »a Iter soil 111 :y.r,:41M1re wah lest silver shah 1 30 days. A AbSIfaci m 6 clays. d W Com"Ametd, hon) da16, of Iecimir w.tnra-rt nl 1•Ivr h, Prggn x•
<br />i P 1.11. q It•axl 0,4W. n?. Lltyof Sllaa. wilhat 3 days. Ivddy 50*4 n wldng Spt4,tilyltg tekcllaj N Inn drlecll{i raider Ii1k unmankalab'e. Sv von rate t bl days hmm n^ l* 1rt
<br />Lt •nN,'.P wd,a•, wt.x:j• 11, ,.n.rNP IIp tkhrtjsl. ijmlxq whirJn tilryPe shah hive Nle option d eialPr accepting UTS, Idle as it Innen M of dmn,•Itvlbttj a rP1u•xl :A tk7;nSth41 pAmf wl•r f•
<br />Bran mlala4f'a111P!y Iw .ett■,.4I t., "''yin. tlrigxaml tktyrn Nal SelMr Silas retpate omi slid des 1mIFM dtipalinm YMaI Ida cordtato Seller 4111, 11 lar 49 Iwxl tdlmArw+tat.le
<br />tae dd.Ant en-vt to c,rtra t tivl+tNI 41 line with» ppm trM PfMkled Il,erphx. kcMr!dq Noe 0 gnlq td fiecessary s11ds.
<br />`;i• a. PURCHASE MO14EY MciroGAGE: SECURITY AGREEMENT TO SEI LER: A txrchasr matey, mmlgatlp AM nxwlgW rate to selAr d,aa Prnvitb kr A 30 clay g•'tfP :v'•lml
<br />,))
<br />vnllmAd INma4y. 4'an
<br />41.41. t -p rd td r)P11,018.111A a Pitt nrrlyiae, and IS day (par jtnirxd a a v!rird of r•a4er mortgage: shall IxOvide Int,nght d rrttt• in w" n• m 1•.vt
<br />trot rtgrlr•A are..PlPial in to wlev 4 arip,stn.tvd m Pveml d r,:7alr. d tical Pr wily. $Aim regtare as prior barn rod erttrnlrem es to 1.11 krill in ,kiwi st.uvhn.1 aril f011vt nmm!d.;Ah vq
<br />fA n• 1•ilu'P a•lvarr." ttrd- Illicit .Irm!kJ;1 jP sl. a•mf Iimf -i rkpm.r. tulle anti Setarily r+grremPrd shall be olherw7e m form and comietd twphind by Rnib• Ir.a $nae• may m1'y 1` 1 n••,
<br />:'111 sr0 custrlala•dy lnaxl,xh nvtf jm4q, momgaty, I.Ags. slid w•ctray apretiments generally tAitiied by savhg MITI ban vlsla,ai r1s. a elite tx nalrmal !,v*. k:c.dPOI r1 111P 1.110,
<br />. vrtm+C'in 1U.•al P,,q—. ,y .9 Itrit" All Pp x-vany and traRns t4ang caw0ypd or assigned win. at Sfak•f S Option, be subject to the lien d a sec -1111Y Alt'tww/pta Nlumde•r.'nl by .a.n••bd
<br />fi•Anearq slak•nanli n 11 bafktwt malni tg,!, IM
<br />final Rayrrent will Pvepnd the Idsiod'C newnN•nts theteon.
<br />C SURVEY: Ptiww of &tyn4 pie p 1,411 within tarp 0fk,xgwl In iMlw r MiHntrq d Idle eM to examine femme, may has! Real Nor*My Su•vPyrd a+wl r ntul,a l try n rpg9loro•) Txatttl
<br />s•Nvey0n If s.rvPs SI MA mwoct ;lmtlmd an ncal Fnp,.wty r* Prot mttrov iretds leafed on Rani Frej arty ejaCmaCh ort aelbaCk (i'eS. easements. lonrls d 0911"S a v elate env teshictars.
<br />Grnftwt rnvPrat•t!s a aw. Nmlie gOVPtnnen'itI 1Pgulalkan. the same ishan coh9titide a tate detect
<br />0 TERMITES: Oyer, at S'aya $ eaop•me, vnihmt time naw,sgd to delna* evidence d lip" aid M rxnmrle same. may have tical Prei'eknnd
<br />rly Ped by a rinrvli CPrlAtrvt Paul ,:Cq'mt
<br />[l:e,Aler to ttptmrnNvs it Nv.e •8 wy ,dw!tk adnp lernute infes!alion a visible exislmg dimAgp 1tom termite inlestatiin in'II•e tmpt0venx4aS II ealNPr 01 WIT a'm Io,rml O,ry?r von
<br />have A days lion date N —4tPvT not rp IhrwA vnnnh, vthrh In have Ail dam; ft. arlvlher visibtp a not. hial,eeled and tbslmviled loaf a kcmne.l hnrinr to gelp,al conbarL•g S,11•w
<br />4•wn pay varvi ceras •a NraUnwd ant rat&* of an damI4e tip to Ta, ol txrrehaAo Price' Should such costs exceed that alrttrnf. Silver Siwe have rte Mama, rA capcpahxJ /,nnb.rf
<br />wdtnn S stays allw. n.ocoTa rd mill;r.torI rrttlai pSlimat9 Iy jPwq wr111t-n 11di:e to Snikt tv 6yer may t'led to Twoceed with the (tanW.1ia•, it wl-ch ivpnl Rityw $IIig rrrt4a4
<br />n vcF
<br />c-ld et ' og d 11.1 anvil,•4 0.slit b the total of tip. Itpntmenl NOW cellae estimate not In excess d 2% d ov pewchase price.. Termiles' d1Ml M dP0n1r1 to meidq ng it'" d
<br />eASlmylrrl enJq•asnn n*rx•mi h. ir4 rejlr*1'41 nxxtrr Ntts Fkvida fi•sl Control AAd
<br />E INGRESS AND EGRESS: Sa•Inr wturptas a Ce8xp1T0 Ce bye QjVt+ 9 and egress to Ilio Reai Properly Oull,eiejd ItM Itte Inlontled use ps dr.•srnLpd m Pattutrmdt VII hPnP: f.
<br />h•kP In vdta.h M x, iccca•Jancit math S ntmckud A D 1
<br />F. LEASES: Schur %4411. ,mol L•Ae naso Is days tvifae cloog, furtdsh to t4" coped d as 1lnlnen teases aid 0810111,01 tetters from each itglant 11r+•cayagi Or, nAtutr. pin rh.,ntai
<br />. el tlrf Ir,vd s nildn, Tat-%. a ffigsx•d 1enA *,slid sally tkqui0% pad by tenant. N Sete* in linable to obtain Sud) teller kren earth tntstd, ftp $.ulml H1,749011 In '4131' t•p
<br />hx•tislv.l by Wit,, k, FAr,r, Tombir that 1411 mixt in Use lam ill 0 &•IM's aflxta ill, 11110 Diver "MY Nrneetfet contact eglras to c01anm strh mdt"Iratb 1 51rk'x Slays. at 0.1"oJ
<br />reit ver And assign as .;rgma' bases 111 &ypt
<br />G. LIENS: SPIv, Aim Iutm J1 11 teem At ta•v, of rk mAl am affidavit attesting M the AbstxKP. Wd9SS 000rwi80 Pmvhkd her hero*, d nnY 1a17traq xlalre of siq of rvn m
<br />t r!lonna' cirrus Mr4vn to SAIer aPc hw11vw ellorling that there have heat aro bMOWmwas M 1Ppah$ to P4mtt4ty for 90 days in1•mrtLitely ryot:nlial date d rk,egaJ P PnyPP•'y
<br />ties t—:n PotvC •. rl.'F 'CpanPtf Nillln Ilnl Ito F allpr Id tN.4v" rPITIMAS M wBivel$ d mechanics IiertS execJhM by all genA,Al CCnItM..ItP9, eldletent/ACtaS, ctTilvP q. AI! R1At^' 9x1'11•
<br />,n &&Dant In 1i•1 k•r's Nm1 atl•dava SP!1•gti I).lh Uv. I'nma% td dl 9,ich g!4wr l CtxArsdoq, aldlcrvalachus. "Millpis and InBterpinron And further affitnm,y 11171 an charges Im •n7>m„pnrrds
<br />01 repairs whrlt cwld serve as a harm ler a IvWlank:'s len ter a claim for damages lave been paid or win be paid at closing.
<br />H. PLACE OF CLOSING: (:hsigg %his be Mld ill Ill ctardy whole Real Property Is located, all the df'tee d th0 Alf m all or othr closing sgPM deskAwtPil by uW m
<br />1. TIME- Toa ,9 0' pr. •ssp,re ei Pas Co•Irgcl frac Dnrxxis herein of less than 8 days srWs in gas conipa ntien exetude Snturdnys, Sjndws owl Stale a national legal ho-td.Wq
<br />s+xl arty Nene tvtiltried ilk" lo, hgtin which, Shalt "IT, on Snlunfay. Sunday a WW handay tilts extend 16 8'00 p m. d the next business d ry
<br />J DOCUMENTS FOR CLOSING: SolnStats lumi%h reed, hot of sale. merltari 's sen slldawt sssgmnrd!fi d bases, lenaM.mid mrntgagea estoppel WRIT It, and ctxrm:hwa Insftunvt Is
<br />S rye• S van Itrnigh cjmSiig llat",pnl• meN gar. nolWW note. security11Mpmile A• and mancinlg statements.
<br />K. EXPENSES: tkartrn_tlary 4aPa1S on Ihp deed slid rectxdmg cofeetive inalrariumIS M11a be paid by Saw. Ct0alafe!AanY atronlla, NdanQde tAx 111x1 recadlrg Ixrd+as9 nbruy
<br />nmrjolW. is .Pr.:kf. deed stmt firtaY:YPg Maltmnl,ds dtd7 by raid by SUM.
<br />L. PRORATION$: CREDITS: Ia,Pl. aSSPswrSnh, rant• merest, ararroca ad otter exrterlseS and rtwmmm of Properly shag be prorated itrough day bPfmn cb%rg D.rfPr Blinn haw
<br />file twirum of lakl•q MPJ any e.Keirl. IteJq#es of l"Paner, 1111791rr1Ablp, let vA*ch tiveril premium! Shwa be ptOrated CABh at closing Shan be inctnnsed a tk!0onsed as pity t*,
<br />tatyriol by Irn•n1:Mta r'pyrak tt! wia 1wtal'Jp Ihr.xad, Ilam coir Io rr:cllpv" d ocetiplIncy occarS tn•lore closing. Advmie9 rent and enctordy drjwnAs will ho uoria0d In nrypr or"
<br />es^mw d-0:3101% ted by In o•IgnoPls avis be en?,fAetl M SrIM. iA,nes slwd he 1raa1M based on the dlrmerd ypar's tau wdh Ohm sPowafce mark br maxmxtm a11"PtInr ditrrtrd
<br />hmm slond and ram eaemdk•P6. N c nWq ticaas Al a dale wtwn fie cartent years mAfage is rot fixed, and Current years aafe9911 eN k a,edibk, tamps will M prorated
<br />. Item 9011 i14m•ssngaA AM IM INKY yr:e S till e.n 8 rested yrnr s ansesenrnd Is rad avasabiP. 8,ltt lames will be troaled at ilio Wier Ypm's lax If tfeare lire cmt><btrl Imc,ttvPmomly
<br />tui Field Moventy by J.v%"Y 'til d YPIr d tkrai,rJ what, imprdsw:netdg w9r0 not n exklernee ter Jralary'tsl d Ilse pkx year elan large shad ha ir01ntpd ILase•l ttpra, iters pi•r
<br />pPm s "A7, and Al an p,e'dfalye A%grssnvPmd h, ter agreed •axle hplvtemn am partips. titaing which, request Wal be made to the Coady, lit11mrly Ahr'a.ser fox m, War,twl aasessmr9"
<br />lakrq q4 c-Twetatir,n aw.014c erpmdtelis Any tax pr0•ataml haled at an v1dimSIS may. td request 01 ratites Buyer a Seger, be auhatat"anlly rum iPmJed t4lon epeelpt of tax lid
<br />n
<br />.. M coyldmn Ihal a sial -mon! to PONT dill is in the f nwg Slalenlent
<br />M. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT LIENS: C,o,isnd: cminnx d ani raldvd sperW a.7essm0i11 hmm 89 94 tate d CID" land not As d EffPCiivP Dirt*] am In ter! pad hY San 1 P' lar•
<br />1x+m rA M dal- W :',.uirq shall Ile asserted by Wyam d tho Nnp'ov?m'nl him neem S1,hslaMligy compfeled as of ERa.lhre Date. such tend" ben ship be clym4OfPd aS cerlitb 9
<br />vinlm,nPtl or rmhlr'd rox1 SIPan shill, th closing. M rJiagPd 111 s•narit equal to the lest eSihrmle d assessment to► the irnproven,e^t M 1h1e plMk: body.
<br />N. WIS11ECTION• REPAIR ANO MAINTENANCE: taa,Pw watranis that. as of 10 clays prior to tic". the teshn 1001 (incltxafg the fascia suit adhtq) and exte•ha e•td fnf0trr wane
<br />aka tuft haws s y v .MLE EV9.1ENOF d oak$ 'r wAlw clam" and that pre entitle tank, pod, an mtgo► 8P!UOOPIfn. Iteri•g. todhg, ekd,ieal, promise eystPms calf machopaery are
<br />.M VyDRKg•:c: r;[lt01W) i Stye, nt'ty. M thitore Pxtle i-, have fntpeetitdls made d Mose items by an al7roDrkleiy fkxHA licensed tern dpahxq n the ermnhuetk*1. rprAfr a
<br />rr;Wlensnep n' Ihnsp aims pIwl shill n .. 1 in vndmq In SOafer Stich Gams stat d0 not *eel the above Standards as Io dolaets IngWhgr ash Ilio cost o' cmmdmg thsm, print k
<br />134Wq trct rat" a owl k•4s tlw, 10 lints Print ks t Mgoxj. WhkhrPwr fY drS 1v.4. Urden Spier repofIs arch del9th within Nat time Buyer $111111 be deprived to have waked self Ir
<br />wa,rtJntp4 as M •U!teris rva rervxlP[d 0 /epnirs of frrtkK9mtg,i Bre Ir. Vnwl• SOW Shan pay tip to 3% d ane cinches@ ptCa to Such ralptam or feidatemptds by an 0igw Vf' v
<br />i h exeegq IanG vddrJ
<br />a t M 9x ^a
<br />r
<br />PkrkOA !rp•hgp•1 t1,*P+vn xPbrlw.1 by Sa0pr N pp Cvtl lin NKh rpppirs A fejdrraapnt exceltds 39, d I o Iarene,e Shag e Psi a Sx a may etc DttY reastvLiL,k
<br />adlx* flatly n•t-/ rmKN Mils t ltdtaxi It Spiter m ww" to rn?ly-1 the diNfpels pkw b deakg. Nat Cos) Named tAu9 be pikJ ir11n escrow al et„4t9 SPIk:r will. ttpe•a
<br />naicp. aPmrfe tad tots -fen,t;e for kxjec:lions BehiePrt Eflechtle Daft- mW the closing. Seder shill menlam 11too"ty inckwong txd nit "pit to the Imvn And srold#vy. in thin avrJltnm
<br />l,pretn wwrma'•aarid d
<br />, nHmvy impar il Mu eveei`I•Farm Shwa he pprmilled alec"S ref unit widen d Pn lwly gui r to araiflg n older to Contain comollow.0 Till 01 SlalraAd
<br />'O. RISK OF LOSS: it PIN, Ptomily is .Mmigcd by Nle o ether Cnx,Agy heirs dasahp Srwl COSI d re$laalkn dotes rot exctial 3K d Ime aases4Pi1 vahfallen d Its P,nomfy sr.
<br />ttin4gtM re"! of msl valirnt shall, lddk}ilen td lie SWM and closing shall proceed p lsu9nt to 010 ternro d Canlrael ash matorAUon crisis asrrewail at elnui g P It ri an
<br />of irstrattre ••rtt'wH 3;, d tlx• asScgtd wal
<br />.tation of Ole Implownpnls so dont••agad. RAM she" 110" thl 00110" oerty f•atther fall" Prop118 is. together NtNI other Ilia 3% a
<br />s '` ' of Y trlAaerca Irtr:eed! P•yald9 Iry vahNi d Such Nros a datn�e, a d urlceatq Cardrsd end feces hIg IMwn d dartosalsl.
<br />P. PROCEEDS Or Sa.n. CLOSING PROCEDURE: TM reed Shan be rocarded upon clemenee d kinds. N alladract. evA0.nee of lift- shalt he cOnfm1M et Bayer $ 0tPome to Men
<br />Mile In 16gp . *tumid wry Orr,aPlrarres or cldu`gn which wmdd rP/vkg "Wolf a Nil* taurnsrkMabie Nom Np dale at Ill -first evidence Prucr'eds fol live. snip Shia be held in r7u rat
<br />. Iry Ftlim a all at" tr I y stlrh tither nmfiwny nrC,PtaaltW Pselow agind Ito a Pwiol d nM bpgef than 8 days front and eller eHahrj dale N !jglk•t a Idle is trimttaed unnteraM9l4r
<br />I-noogh M laid[ of R•ayW. R:fyO, Alcon• wnlxn 1'" 6 day rftwul. Ixtlily Open in wrilihq of that defe d W4 $par shag hi -id' 30 days from'ilia of 1nr:mW ed aiich aAdeelrmt lu pct
<br />aro 4---11 11 FPila. Tndq to innoty t•7■p Ihp (htpti. ran iffInsnh%i Shan. t" wrdlen demand by a W and within S day.,,,alter demsrol. IM tphrned to aiWm and stmenatteraaiy wolf
<br />n1.h P•IL•r/mrel 9•ym clava mlimn ttaxrnnNy rsml wwA•p nnal Mihai y 11x0 term" N to sent* by speekd wananly deed. N thwer fele In mnAp lan•ly rk+tunnel for m{utr1. Fk:yr.
<br />Shins take 11th as t4• wit W'q aI rlghht Bg•IIit4 : 4W as to any mletw:n•l� llrbsd eXe@11I 11S may be avaaAfde b &yid L`Y milshe d WarnAntaPs umdahx•d m Nle de^d N A porttaw
<br />• , tit ttv nrrM•te Jwra III M lav rkP'irr*1 bruitYnaldub`nAl luvrrtnq a wPtrlwrig, rPgtliremplits d Nle knrhlq "#idiom as to dare Nmit of day atwl r4forerllrps lry cbavq an) f)
<br />lfhtiur•,M*p,d r
<br />PI nPa1,poll rv•'„'nMg 41aP rod,ol Orae contrary "isron in this Ctinhad Spall shall have lite right to temple froth Me trawling 1,4141110" a vniftpn r.,Nltninrf•1 Ilia
<br />d 411 fled ixlndga.f W4,10son.*a to miral IT, twtxe"lS as a resta n) arty title defect a1hRx,l.:OW to Wifer-n,ortgagor. Ilia endow and cbsnng jvueatturo rilOnareJ M !1ds St.rgar
<br />mit by wan•0d d tab sap if n,St,mq w..1vP,, e7 7841, F . (887,lL.S1as emended.
<br />O. ESCROW' Ary esc.mmr tarmj f' nd I teceivkvl tmult er rq,mmhgq is atddtli ilmid OM dOws by aceeplanre of Nvfn to dPPosa them tmcmptly Iola 081me in A$nnW "'I.
<br />to crwa•re, d,sLi"go tla+n m, &• Coltkda:P with tcgm% rid comfit" of Contract Faallne 01 C1Pmav,68 d holdS Shag notexcuse SUYM 9 Per101mvw•e 11 in tkudt as 10 Allan! s thaw
<br />cn 4ahn,405 •nm n Isle rmfNit t N of C•marml, kp tf rnivy AI Agn.A S ofaNxl. Contkmle to hold Ilse SU*C, maRer d file escrow until the pinlies nadusgy agree to its (F4 liftstrmen
<br />n odd a PrkJ•,N)nt cf a cert of Cnm p,,IW yrisditlty OAI drm
<br />fri ak, IhP 69148 d the Parties re Agent may, tksixtsT wdh tdml ekwk at the cscua coir) bayllq pp19d1Ctnr1 i1 ft,
<br />d Bta11P lhva, nrii'ytroJ ql• rA•'r4 r•rvwttr•il of s,■.h V+flat. an Iglmkil 111 1110 pall cal Agan) shah tLON (f*m4ate. pxceoi %,:Ilse extent d a'.canang het amy deme pmvinusfy dpINT"e•
<br />fullCf PAr;I•w It ., 14• KPd'r7t pi:lln ryrnkA. , Atirnd 1.4 cental tv-pnitk
<br />, ptttns of Chenin 478 FA. (tg87L as arminded Aly slid betwpPn Bttyel ref Fe',At wltnrP AgPnl is m+P
<br />A patty b.4;tusp of rfl.nd nt Anrl,.t IvwnaraN*, a in Silly real -AM•pn Acrid nimpkAda the r.bieel rAw d atttthe PSt:mv/; Agent %hdl /tteOvet reB$tNlit k4 OftarpyB 1pe7 and .CTs
<br />•nar,Pd w•P1 Uti, hr•s wo';osis In f:P cl•A•;jn:t A•nd mAr,s7ed At rotml crisis in lava of Nle prevailing Party Parties a7ife that Agent Shall not h9 tahk to Any Petty to nprso
<br />Ica friled q v9. v 1'• Ft-WM 'Pr 5rt'=* ll flans ,. A.gert in this e4r tyv Unless swIt nilsMrwiry ls elm to wdgld breach of Crinlract Or pros/ rvg'ige red Agra
<br />R. ATTORNEY FEES; COSTS! In :try tit!galtrin arts" ad of this Contract. the IxevAAaq party Shan till IMINIrd to reCOMM FeAsonabb attorney a lees ARrt t osts °
<br />S FAILURE OF PEIIFOR1AANCE• fl bye, IPdS k• rriletin Ntn r'4•h Ae1 ytgtltn N» till* Specified flock" paymPla of as drPOSIiSl). 1110 n1Pp0selsl Imml fry DWI n:iy bq 1s4 ta$
<br />' Ity v Its 1.11 ta,•:rv,r11 Of ";PLw as .101`14 limit trsaaLifed dam:ir•s. consakvalum htr' Ne ouli action of Nis Contract and. in lug apit" mal of any claim. wix"tgiGfin, Ll M'1 A'rf CAA
<br />Simi- to tolle~l to all 44ty-h••its •rvkr Cm.11-M ter S••ar' of %Pilot s clef on navy Placard n 0nuity to pnlNCP SO!" s WTIS unix this Co,Nad g hp slty tPasnn Ogwr Ilan f:r•'a
<br />fa "Am 1t. ns11P IW4- S Idler tn•rAntn!d•P fit, r dd'W"It 6,11011 SPFPn fads, tuegkrls It Idusas to pmlam a" Contract. (Mi Buyer may se11k allocate jwwkxnuirh;e is eft t 10 feet*
<br />to P rel onif t31.r f R •k•;rar•dlgl wdl.ra 11w eN mrnmin aty artitm• for rLilm igps IPsuging from Sr9a 9 breach.
<br />T. CONTRACT NOT RF.CORDARLE: PERSONS ROUND. NOTICE: N,•il{wt Nd, ['i'nharr ,xr any aA'ct- of d shall lir .rntrnl4wi in airy pnb'ir. teta4d4 11x4 Crm,h:.rl gh•nv Maxi An
<br />1.wP t:, 1i►• tv.•v1I '•1 It.. h.r lw4 :rel f1g4t arrrS4r,Ig its ndrnJ NAvRN••rq IM ed•ierl Wmgs. Sktptder Shall nekde•plaal nil fvw goaW Miall rr4xN! An tkAice giwat by t
<br />in Uv alt v.y her .N y 1411y ghdl InA as r•Ila•laa as d IpvP11 hY a lU I11a1 lially
<br />U CONVEYANCE' S•W'ta 4Lia r•vwry ale In orm riviv,ev fly 4atldexv watt". hilsiNi ,s. jvrSaxnai reYNt-wgyafive's Of 1j"O"IfinnS rh•Prl ae Alljto "I'll lu Net 4ad.Ia of Spew. yd1Y!r
<br />'Ndy it, ntata,V•
<br />gg r^IJhx.•l lot t!it::•Id, V11 armt Nx,w Pllv;fvnxr ;v,olal4i by 8lyw
<br />flaf9trieay' afCdl, at mpAtsl of &/JiGr; be hroalerlM by r1 Alnxtdtdp 1x11 of Saw With wArrant
<br />of Irk` radia -'c *Wy ht 41rJ, nwfWrS Aq may I+p dhenwise ptwa" her frsmah '
<br />V. [ITHFR AGnEEMENIs: Nn tn;ry n I4el rIPI Awremanls N ft goctilaborts Shan be bit" tgtotl Styr, or Sager [Mass krhrdM In this Contract No lmdttiratton or, cha,igp t
<br />this Crritia.4 0131' t? va'rt In hi•xii,li perm !iM parlirlt unless m writing mill extruded by the party tr owfirs intended to he bdlnxl by it
<br />W. WARRANTIES: S•'k4 ws rails Itiil 114 r a e fh 1: 1 it•lrryvq len •ser kvlagy aRm:pilg the va�i of the Rest Pror" which roe riot feiddy N se.ya►ie BhaYOr or. -whir
<br />►,arr•mIIPPP•, mAaOsea f.P B,yP. *At c�l.os Ing She Ller shaf� execute to buyer an easement across lams a��acent -ti
<br />anti North of S.Relief Canal for public access by automobile to Parcels 3 and 4. This easement w:
<br />state that its use wJlt notAfiiterfere with the. operation of Vista Royale Gardens Go.f Course in
<br />the same manner that it !s being operated l�oitn the date of this Contract'. 9%i•714?
<br />N•J r pi u.,.Q ! L da 1111, r. The tTrr^vTi trim IST r i/eifn 4: n►hmt M I1F'ni N7►li. Air. i:' v q/'(
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