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SEP 12 1989 mor. 7 P4. c 9:36 <br />BOND RESOLUTION - McKEE JUNGLE GARDENS <br />The Board reviewed the following memo dated 9/5/89: <br />TO: Board of County Commissioners <br />FROM: Charles P. Vitunac, County Attorney <br />DATE: September 5, 1989 <br />RE: BOND RESOLUTION - McKEE JUNGLE GARDENS <br />The attached resolution calls for a'referendum to be held on <br />November 7, 1989, to authorize the issuance of general <br />obligation bonds or notes of Indian River County for the <br />purchase of McKee Jungle Gardens and certain nearby <br />wetlands. <br />Staff recommends authorization for the Chairman of the Board <br />of County Commissioners to sign the attached resolution. <br />Attorney Vitunac advised that if the Board wishes to make any <br />changes in the language on the ballot, this is,the time to do it; <br />however, the language cannot go over 75 words. He wanted to make <br />one change on the ballot question. Instead of saying "For the <br />Purchase" and "Against the Purchase", he would like to have it <br />read "For the Bonds" and "Against the Bonds". <br />Commissioner Eggert asked if staff felt comfortable with the <br />legal descriptions, and Administrator Chandler advised that we <br />looked very closely at the descriptions that were provided to us <br />in the sales contract. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bird, that the Board adopt Resolution <br />89-87, with the change in the ballot language in Section <br />No. 4, as recommended by the County Attorney. <br />37 <br />