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Under discussion, Commissioner Scurlock asked for assurance <br />that there is no requirement to issue any general obligation debt <br />on this and that we still have the ability to fund this with any <br />mechanism we so choose, and Attorney Vitunac confirmed that to be <br />absolutely right; we can do it ad valorem, notes, or anything. We <br />don't have to issue bonds unless we want to. <br />Commissioner Bird was torn on this issue because he had some <br />concerns about the price we are paying on this property, <br />especially the wetlands. He had a problem with buying something <br />that he didn't feel someone could develop anyway. On the other <br />side of the coin, he did feel that the property owner's rights and <br />the value of his property has been affected to some degree by <br />certain actions of this Commission in their feeling that they were <br />representing the wishes of the major of the people in Indian River <br />County. He guessed his feeling is that if that is the way the <br />Board feels, and if that is the way a majority of the people in <br />this county feel, then he was not opposed to taking it to a vote. <br />If the residents want to vote to tax themselves to buy this <br />property and pay Mr. Ewing his price, then he is willing to go <br />along with that vote, and that is why he voted to put it to a <br />vote. However, like Corrmi-s-si oner Scurlock, he has some concerns <br />and reservations about this because as things continue to crop up, <br />it doesn't always look like it is in the county's best interests. <br />Commissioner Scurlock believed the public would support the <br />acquisition of the Gardens portion, but not the wetlands. He <br />would vote for the Motion, but he did not know at this point what <br />he was going to do when he votes at the polls. <br />Commissioner Bowman felt the ball is now in John Q. Public's <br />court, and they are going to have to decide. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. The Motion <br />was voted on and carried unanimously. <br />38 <br />SEP 12 1989 <br />MoK. <br />