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BOOK. ,+ 9Z <br />Under this legislation, it would be the responsibility of the mail order <br />company to -collect the taxes from customers. Sorting through the maze of <br />numerous state and local taxes would require companies to hire additional <br />personnel and would ultimately raise the cost of products. Again, customers <br />would be burdened with an increase in product cost as well as additional <br />charges for taxes. The bottom line ... lost sales and revenue due to <br />increased costs. It is even suggested in the attached text that some <br />companies could be forced out.of business due to the unmanageable nature of <br />the Federal Use Tax. <br />Attached is "Common questions and Straight Answers About Federal Use Tax <br />Legislation" provided by the Florida Gift Fruit Shippers Association. Also <br />attached is a copy of a resolution (S. Res. 80) introduced by Robert W. <br />Kasten, Jr. which condemns the proposals to require mail order corrp6nie's to <br />collect out -of -,tate sales taxes. Please take a few minutes to read these <br />items. If you agree with the resolution, let your Congressman or Senator <br />know by signing the suggested letter attached (or personalize your own <br />letter) which urges your representative to support the Kasten Resolution-,- and <br />mail it today. <br />Thank you for your consideration and cooperation. <br />Sincerel. <br />Jack Mcoonald� ' <br />General Manager <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bird, the Board unanimously adopted <br />Resolution 89-88, in opposition to proposed sales <br />tax legislation which would require interstate mail- <br />order companies to impose state taxes on items mailed <br />across state borders. <br />43 <br />I <br />