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u <br />RESOLUTION NO. 89- 88 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, <br />FLORIDA, IN OPPOSITION TO PROPOSED SALES <br />TAX LEGISLATION WHICH WOULD REQUIRE <br />INTERSTATE MAIL-ORDER COMPANIES TO <br />IMPOSE STATE TAXES ON ITEMS MAILED <br />ACROSS STATE BORDERS. <br />WHEREAS, it is the right of the states under the <br />United States Constitution to levy taxes on their residents <br />and to require companies in the state to collect those <br />taxes, but it is not the right to require companies located <br />In other states to collect those taxes; and <br />WHEREAS, it is not the role of the mail-order <br />Industry to be the tax collector for each of the fifty state <br />treasuries; and <br />WHEREAS, this kind of unwarranted restriction of <br />Interstate commerce can on'ly result in an excessive burden <br />on taxpayers, and -is an impediment to mail-order companies; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, collecting and maintaining records on the <br />sales taxes would result in expenses which would be passed <br />along in the form of higher prices to consumers; and <br />WHEREAS, this ♦proposal would complicate the lives <br />of those who shop by catalog, a group that includes more <br />than half of the United States adult population; and <br />WHEREAS, those who use the mail to make catalog <br />purchases would be required to wade through a maze of state <br />and local --tax rates that often affect different items <br />differently. in trying to determine the applicable tax and• <br />then actually figure the amount due; and <br />WHEREAS, this a burden to which retail customers <br />are not subjected, and is terribly unfair; and <br />WHEREAS, the collection of taxes in this manner <br />would be grossly inefficient compared with the collection of <br />the taxes at the cash register; and <br />089 <br />44 <br />ES O F,, - '-. ! tJ <br />I <br />