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SEP 12 198 eoo� 1 �' F c 94' <br />R <br />WHEREAS, t'he handicapped, the elderly, rural <br />families, and single parents are typical consumers of <br />mail-order products, and thus would-be particularly burdened <br />by this proposal; and <br />WHEREAS, small mall -order companies will not be <br />able to comply, and their services will be lost to their <br />customers; and <br />WHEREAS, there will be a long period of litigation <br />with the overhanging threat that mail-order companies that <br />choose to fight this unfair legislation may be liable for <br />the payment of retroactive taxes should the courts uphold <br />proposed legislation; and <br />WHEREAS, to allow any state to make laws that <br />reach across state lines is a dangerous precedent; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF <br />COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA that <br />any proposed legislation which would require mail-order <br />companies to collect out-of-state sales taxes should be <br />rejected. <br />The foregoing resolution was offered by <br />Commissioner Scurlock and seconded by <br />Commissioner Bird and upon being put to <br />a vote the vote was as follows: <br />Chairman Gary C. Wheeler Aye <br />Vice Chairman Carolyn K. Eggert le <br />e <br />Commissioner Richard N. Bird.�� <br />Commissioner Margaret C. Bowman Awe <br />Commissioner Don C. Scurlock, Jr. Aye <br />The Chairman thereupon declared the resolution <br />duly passed and adopted at public hearing held this 12th day <br />of September, 1989. <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />INDIAN -RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA. <br />By c✓� <br />ary eeTer, �h'aTrean <br />45 <br />