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EP 10 W9 BOOP; 77 F.�GE1U1 <br />supply coming over from the mainland that supplies the golf <br />courses at John's Island. He believed that line has been taken <br />over by the John's Island Property Owners, and his question, the <br />same as it was two years ago, relates to the fact that since the <br />bridge is now ours, that line is on County RJW, and we have never <br />had proper contractual arrangements for that happening. He, <br />therefore, would like to explore once more the possi6ili#.y of <br />properly utilizing the capacity in that line so that it can be a <br />benefit not only to the Property Owners Association but to the <br />county itself. <br />Commissioner Scurlock emphasized that here we are looking at <br />two wells where certainly there is some question as to the <br />quality of the water we could get and for how long, when we have <br />less than one million gpd coming across a 4.5 million gpd line. <br />He felt we are underestimating our potential because you have a <br />raw water line there that could easily be "T'd" to provide both <br />non -potable and potable water, and he sees a loss to the John's <br />Island Property Owners Association as well as to us. Another <br />factor to be considered is that there is some significant <br />degradation in that line; there undoubtedly will be some <br />maintenance problems; and we probably could use some of our <br />resources in a joint venture for that maintenance. Commissioner <br />Scurlock advised that he did talk with the Association about this <br />probably 7-8 months ago, but the problem is that everyone goes <br />away in the summer. Now another season is about here, and he <br />would suggest that the Utilities Division make another contact to <br />explore these possibilities before sinking more wells. <br />Commissioner Bird asked if St. John's River Water Management <br />District doesn't have a limiting factor on withdrawals for the <br />John's Island supply. <br />Commissioner Scurlock agreed there have been some limita- <br />tions, but the difference is that there is a limitation in terms <br />of non -potable, and what we are talking about is a raw water <br />supply to make it potable. He clarified that what he is saying <br />48 <br />i � � <br />