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SEP I S X989 <br />p0a 77C1riC��Vr� <br />� hll d <br />(m) Yes The percent reduction each year in municipal solid waste disposed of at solid waste disposal facilities as a result of public <br />and private recycling programs, including the success rates, perceived reasons for failure or success, and the public and private sector <br />recycling activities which are ongoing and most successful. Rule 17-716:410 (2 d) <br />(n) Yes A description of the type and the weight of solid waste generated within the applicant's service areas and the general <br />type and the weight of solid waste.that is expected to be generated within the service areas in the 20 -year period following the date <br />of the grant application. Rule 17716.410 (2 e) <br />(o) Yes An identification and description of the facilities where solid waste is being disposed of or processed, the remaining <br />available permitted capacity of such facilities, any planned increases in the capacity of such facilities, and the anticipated effect of recycl- <br />ing programs on the type and size of such facilities. Rule 17-716.410 (2 f) <br />(p) Yes An explanation of how existing or anticipated solid waste reduction or recycling will affect the type and size of any plann- <br />ed or existing solid waste management facilities in the affected service areas. Rule 17-716.410 (2 g) <br />(q) Yes A description and evaluation of solid waste that is being or could be recycled, including, but not limited to: <br />(1) The type and weight of solid waste or materials which would otherwise become solid waste that is being or could be <br />recycled by the public and private sector, giving consideration at a minimum to the following materials: glass, aluminum, steel <br />and bimetallic materials, office paper, yard trash, newsprint, corrugated paper, and plastics; , k <br />.(2) The anticipated and available markets or uses for materials collected through recycling programs; and ., <br />(3) The estimated costs of and revenue from operating and maintaining existing and proposed recycling programs. This does not <br />include specific costs and revenues from privately operated recycling programs, but a summary of such costs and revenues is <br />required If the applicant intends to provide funding for such programs. Rule 17-716.410 {2 h) <br />(r) Yes A description of any recycling activities implemented or existing prior to July 1, 1989. Rule 17-716.410 (2 7 <br />11. Special Requirements for applications due October 1, 1989: <br />Doessd each solid waste facility owned or operated by the county or municipality have weight scales. Rule 17716L420 (2 a)? <br />Yes OJ No ❑ <br />12. Special Requirements for applications due October 1, 1990: <br />Has the operator of each landfill owned or operated by this county or municipality completed an operator training course ap- <br />proved by the Department. Rule 17-716.420 (3)? <br />Yes ICM No ❑ <br />13 This application is due by October 1 of each year from 1989 through 1993 Rule 17-716.400 (2) <br />I CERTIFY that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such informa- <br />tion is truA complete and accurate I' further certify that I possess the authority to apply for this grant on behalf of this local government. <br />Sig re of Authorized Representative Date <br />Gary Wheeler, Chairman <br />Board of County Commissioners Please return form to: <br />Indian River County Department of Environmental Regulation <br />Bureau of Waste Planning and Regulation <br />Solid Waste Section <br />2600 Blair Stone Road <br />Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 <br />Iden Riva Co. ApprovedOeIe <br />Admin. <br />f � <br />Legal <br />Budget <br />�— <br />utllltler. <br />„ <br />Commissioner Eggert asked if we have to be at a certain <br />point in our recycling process to get this grant, and Manager <br />Brooks advised that we are in a fine position to get funds. We <br />have completed our report and are in the process of purchasing <br />items and setting up the centers. We have the budget <br />established, and it is pretty obvious that we are progressing <br />with our recycling program. <br />$150,000. <br />We hope to be approved for another <br />54 <br />