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BOOK 10 ['AGE 438 <br />Chairman Wheeler didn't want to see an RV park in there <br />either, but he was uncertain about his feelings on the apartment <br />rentals. He did like the idea of walk-in camping, and would like <br />to see a facility there to support the people who would forget <br />ice, sunglasses, etc. He had a problem, however, with concession <br />stands renting out boogey boards or whatever. He would like it <br />to be as passive as possible, but would like to see a substantial <br />fee charged for the camping sites because that area is unique. <br />Commissioner Scurlock felt that all of these questions <br />regarding the village rentals and the camping facilities should <br />be addressed before the design concept is approved, but Director <br />Davis explained that we are not looking at camping in Phase I. <br />There has been talk of adding a economics mini -study to the <br />project to see what is feasible in terms of low-key revenue <br />producing activities. <br />Lengthy discussion ensued relating to the problems that come <br />from having revenue generating activities and facilities. <br />Commissioner Bowman had a big problem with having the <br />parking lot in the Targe clearing right out in the sun. She <br />pointed out that you don't have to line up your cars in a row -- <br />you can scatter your parking throughout the park under the trees. <br />In fact, she didn't see the necessity of having so many parking <br />spaces included in Phase I. <br />Mr. Smith envisioned the end project to be something like <br />Sea Oaks where they could tuck the parking in under the trees. <br />They wouldn't have to go in and pave everything, just a little as <br />they go along. He emphasized that the master plan is just a <br />guide. <br />Director Davis reiterated that we have submitted a grant to <br />the DNR for $120,000 in construction funds. However, that grant <br />application will not be reviewed until March or April of next <br />year, so it might not be until June or July before we even know <br />if we have a grant. If we get the grant, and if the Board <br />38 <br />