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BOOK r f P1VC 440 <br />wanted to see us make an effort to coordinate the environmental <br />education with the Learning Center. <br />Commissioner Scurlock felt that if we are going to move in <br />the direction of building some rental facilities, he would like <br />to see Administrator Chandler involved, and Mr. Smith reiterated <br />that this is just the -concept of the master plan which is <br />flexible. <br />Administrator Chandler emphasized that this is a 20 -year <br />plan and what we are looking at in the next couple of years are <br />the basic essentials in opening the park. We will be coming back <br />to the Board at several points along the way, particularly when <br />we get into the aspects of Phase I. <br />Commissioner Scurlock recalled that when we went out for a <br />bond referendum on the acquisition of these beach properties, we <br />sold it to the public on the grounds that it would be a beautiful <br />stretch of oceanfront property, and was concerned what the voters <br />will think if we go in there and develop to an extent that a <br />private developer would. <br />Director Davis stated that it was not staff's intent to make <br />it revenue intensive. He pointed out that half the site is <br />already protected by the DNR coastal control line restrictions, <br />and most of the activities will be planned for the lowest points <br />of the dune. <br />Commissioner Bird asked Mr. Smith if he had adequate <br />direction from the Commission, and Mr. Smith asked if a <br />handicapped access was necessary at this park since there is one <br />at the Golden Sands Park. <br />Commissioner Eggert was adamant about providing the <br />handicapped with access to the beach at every park, and noted <br />that many handicapped people enjoy getting down to the water's <br />edge. She wanted to see this dune crossover ramp designed so <br />that there is a more gradual sloping to the beach, especially <br />since we have the space to do it. <br />40 <br />