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DEC ,N 1 X98 <br />• <br />BOOK -Jo .1 4GE 730 <br />rr <br />Mr. Munksgaard next displayed a schematic of a centralized <br />sludge/septage/grease facility which would allow all the waste <br />residuals to be brought to that site for processing and recom- <br />mended that the county implement a phased program. He noted this <br />was approved by all the regulatory agencies. The first phase <br />would consist of getting the infrastructure involved in your <br />central facility - the receiving facilities, the dewatering, odor <br />control equipment, and miscellaneous ancillary facilities. What <br />we are not building at this time is the stabilization process, <br />which is what is so volatile right now in the regulatory arena. <br />Mr. Munksgaard advised that CDM would recommend the county <br />eventually end up combining this with the solid waste problem <br />they are facing. He clarified that the county is mandated to get <br />a 30o reduction in their solid waste stream to the Landfill, and <br />only 15% of that can be obtained from yard waste. What the yard <br />wastes can consist of, however, is the organic matter that can be <br />necessary for the composting of the wastewater residuals. CDM, <br />therefore, is recommending continuing in the phased approach so <br />you don't overload your existing customer base, but have a <br />blueprint to get to where you need to get in the mid 90's. <br />Commissioner Scurlock asked if when you say the Landfill <br />that also includes the sod farm land application. <br />Mr. Munksgaard could not answer exactly. He noted that <br />sludge is now graded differently. The wastewater the County is <br />now generating will be Class C, which is the lowest class and has <br />the most restrictions on it. <br />Commissioner Scurlock asked if Class C will not allow land <br />application. <br />Mr. Munksgaard felt that it will to some extent, but there <br />are very tight restrictions on it. <br />Commissioner Bird asked if there is a plan to perhaps <br />upgrade our facilities to produce Class B or A to widen our <br />opportunities for effluent disposal. <br />4 <br />