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M M r <br />Commissioner Wheeler asked about the houses that are in <br />those areas now. His point was that if you are not in compliance <br />with the plan, you can't borrow money on your land, and this <br />would apply to places such as the fly -in ranches. Also, there <br />are people who just like to live on some acreage in the country, <br />but they may not be able to afford to buy 40 acres of land. <br />Director Keating advised that we have two kinds of non - <br />conformities built into our regulations. "Lots of record" are <br />not considered non -conformities because they are grandfathered <br />in, and, therefore, there would be no problem with building back <br />anything existing out there right now in case of fire, etc. As <br />far as making it more difficult for someone wanting to build in a <br />rural area by requiring 40 acres, that is true unless you can <br />find a lot of record. But the question is - do you want to <br />control the density of the county. Director Keating pointed out <br />that some people want to live on 1 acre lots, but right now we <br />have a 1 unit per 5 acre density out there. <br />Commissioner Scurlock stressed that it is not feasible to <br />provide the infrastructure at those densities, and also empha- <br />sized the fact that there is an on-going water problem and water <br />quality is continuing to degradate. <br />Commissioner Bird wished to review possible proposed densi- <br />ties starting from the westernmost boundary of the county, and <br />Planner Loeper noted that it presently is 1 unit for 10 acres. <br />Commissioner Bird believed Commissioner Scurlock suggested a <br />density out there of 1 for 40 and then go to zero for the conser- <br />vation area, and it was noted that continuing east the map <br />submitted to the DCA shows 1 for 10 for the Agricultural area and <br />then 1 to 5 for the Rural area. <br />Commissioner Bird commented that it seems we ar-e looking at <br />some compromise to satisfy DCA, and he felt maybe we should go <br />back to them with the 1 to 40 and then to zero and say leave the <br />rest as it is. <br />JAN 16 19JU <br />13 BOOK. <br />