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community on a development site, we exempt Agriculture from that <br />in our plan. The DCA does not feel Ag should be exempted. <br />Question arose as to the definition of "native community," <br />and Director Keating advised that it would some type of ecosystem <br />that hasn't been altered, possibly a hammock area or wet prairie. <br />Improved pasture or citrus grove would not be a native community. <br />The state is saying why are native communities any less desirable <br />in an Agricultural area, and is not that Agricultural area many <br />times the first phase in the development of land. He gave the <br />example of a grove owner who had an 100 acre site, which included <br />possibly 10 acres of hammock and 10 acres of wet prairie, or 20 <br />acres, and explained he would have to set aside 5 of those acres. <br />Discussion arose about mitigation being allowed on another <br />site, and Director Keating believed that the Regional Planning <br />Council is leaning towards having Agriculture adhere to the 250 <br />requirement, but allowing them to overcome that requirement by <br />putting on record a binding legal agreement stating that whenever <br />that site changes hands or goes into development, then the <br />mitigation would occur whether it be monetary or actual estab- <br />lishment of a community. <br />Commissioner Scurlock brought up the need for property for <br />disposal of effluent and discussed the possibility of forming a <br />partnership with Ag interests where they would have a vehicle to <br />participate with us to create artificial wetlands through a <br />monetary contribution to the County. This would accomplish two <br />things. It would allow us to have a place to dispose of our <br />effluent, and it would allow them to use their lands more <br />properly. Commissioner Scurlock noted that it is amazing what <br />they have done in the Orlando project where they created about <br />1200 acres of artificial wetlands. <br />Commissioner Bowman advised that land actually had been a <br />wetland before it was converted into pasture, etc. <br />Discussion ensued as to it being easier to create new wet- <br />lands than to reestablish an existing one that has been impacted. <br />6 <br />21 F -v <br />®® ROGK <br />JAN 1 �� 99 <br />