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Councilman Brooks understood that the second paragraph in <br />Attorney Collins' letter means that if Fellsmere doesn't go along <br />and refuses to pass the impact fee program, they cannot expect <br />any improvements to CR -507. He asked if that is correct. <br />Director Davis confirmed -that to be correct, and explained <br />that Attorney Collins wrote this letter when Fellsmere stopped <br />collecting the impact fees without adopting a resolution or <br />enacting an ordinance. The County's Fair Share Roadway <br />Improvements Ordinance was written to be inclusive of all the <br />municipalities unless the municipality opted out by the adoption <br />of an ordinance. <br />Commissioner Scurlock pointed out that the County is <br />collecting for more than just the incorporated area of District <br />7. In fact, most of the money is coming from the unincorporated <br />portion, so it is not really fair to say that no improvement will <br />take place on CR -507 because it may be needed for the <br />unincorporated area of the district. That is the dilemma here <br />to see that everybody pays their fair share. <br />Attorney Tsamoutales asked if anyone has calculated the <br />amount of fees that would have been collected since Fellsmere <br />stopped collecting the fees, and Director Davis explained that <br />$9,000 had been collected from the incorporated area over the <br />12-16 month, and if the fees had been collected at that steady <br />pace, you can figure about $7,500 a year. <br />Councilman Brooks asked for further explanation on how <br />CR -507 could be widened since it goes through an already <br />developed area, and Director Davis advised that in looking at how <br />we can spend the impact fees, we have to look at roads that <br />benefit most of the area. Roads like CR -507 and CR -512 benefit <br />the whole area because most of the residents in that district <br />travel from Willow Street onto CR -512. So we designate only <br />collector roads and arterial roads for impact fee use because <br />most of the new development use those roads in one way or <br />another. <br />BOOK. <br />k `2 J99U <br />