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_AO <br />.JI <br />Commissioner Bird hoped <br />that we would not -get too <br />hung <br />up on <br />f <br />improvements to CR -507, because that priority could change if <br />significant development occurs elsewhere. For now, however, that <br />is where the TPC has determined where the need is. We are <br />talking about $1.7 million in improvements with only $59,000 in <br />the fund now, so we have plenty of time to study how the area is <br />developing before enough money is going to be in the bank to make <br />any improvements. He encouraged the Council to begin collecting <br />the impact fees now and work very closely with the TPC to make <br />sure that Fellsmere's priorities are set the way they feel they <br />should be. Commissioner Bird emphasized that the impact fees are <br />working in the rest of the county, and he believed they would <br />work in Fellsmere as well, but we need the cooperation of the <br />City of Fellsmere to collect its fair share of the impact fee. <br />A gentleman from the audience asked what the impact fee <br />would be on a mobile home, and Administrator Chandler advised <br />that it would be $316. <br />Councilwoman Lu Cosner hoped that there would be some way <br />that the County would not expect Fellsmere to go back and collect <br />the fees for the past two years. <br />Commissioner Scurlock felt, as one Commissioner, that he <br />would support the County just totalling those fees at $9,000 and <br />just start the program back up and not worry about what wasn't <br />collected. He believed we should just get this thing back on the <br />road, and start building up the funds. <br />Commissioner Bird felt believed it would be virtually <br />impossible to go back now and try to collect them retroactively. <br />'He agreed that we should start over from scratch and be <br />consi-stent in the future. <br />Councilman Mraz stated that based on the discussion tonight, <br />he felt satisfied that the roads seem to be sufficient at this <br />time to handle the present population. However, he pointed out <br />that the same thing could occur here that occurred in St. Cloud, <br />12 <br />M M <br />