<br />71
<br />1
<br />AUGUS T 8,1M .
<br />County taxes and upon all property lying and being within the Districts as described
<br />within the . County of Indian River, as of the Fi rst day of January, A. D. , 1932.
<br />RESOLD FURTHUR, that the Clerk of the Circuit Court and Clerk of this
<br />Board, be and he is hereby directed to furnish. to W. R. Duncan, Tax Assessor -of Indian
<br />River County, sa,
<br />full and complete
<br />copy of
<br />the foregoing minutes
<br />in so far as the
<br />same
<br />relates to the
<br />subject of levying
<br />tuxes,
<br />describing boundaries,
<br />naming Districts,
<br />and etc
<br />RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Cle rk .E nd Auditor of the County be notified of
<br />the amount to be apportioned to the different accounts out of the total taxes levied
<br />for all purposes.
<br />The Board of County Commissioners then adjourned, until next regular
<br />meeting unless sooner convened by call meeting called by the Chitirman.
<br />AT ST : i n.
<br />r
<br />Clerko
<br />SATUPDAY AUGUST 6y 1932.
<br />At a call meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County,
<br />Florida, begun and held at Vero Beach on Saturday .August 6, 1982, after due notice of
<br />said meeting having been served upon each member of said Board, by letter addressed to
<br />the respective members at their usual Post Office address, there was present ktTsaid
<br />meeting, Albert 0. Helseth, Cbai3man; J. We Wruee, J. D. Yongue and J. J. P. Hamilton.
<br />Also *ere present Biles barren, Clerk and C. P. Diamond attorney for the Board.
<br />The Cha zman stated that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the
<br />matter pertaining to. the account of Gordon R. Olmstead, Tax Collector, and after discus-
<br />sion, upon motion made by Ear.. Hamilton, secoinAied by Mr. Yongue and duly carried, the
<br />following resolution was passed; Whereas, this Board of March 1, 1932s adopted €i reso-
<br />lution wherein it was stated that it was then the belief of this Board that by reason
<br />of insolvency of some of the sureties on the bonds of Hon. Gordon R. Olmstead, Tax
<br />Collector of Indian River County, €nd that by reason of the further fact, that as shown
<br />by report of Hon. We R. Hudspeth, Assistant 'state Auditor, filed last January, the said
<br />Tax Collector is short a considerable sum in his accounts, no part of . which shortage
<br />has been m€a de good, so far as this board is advised; and: ,
<br />VThereas, the belief of this Board that the Bonds of said Tax Collector were
<br />insufficient waS by said resolution adopted last March anis certified to the Governor,
<br />reported to the Governor as required by Section 2420 of the Revised General Statutes
<br />of the State of Florida,. and the Governor was then requested to require said Tax Collect
<br />to .execute and file a new or additional bond in the sum of $10,000.00, which bond has
<br />not been filed; and,
<br />1hereas,after due considerations it is now the opinion and judgemen$ of this
<br />Board that the proper safe guarding of the public funds of Indian River County, requires
<br />that such new or additional bond in the sum of $10,000:00, as requested ]asst March, be
<br />immediately filed by said Tax Collector.
<br />Therefore, be it resolved, ths.t Honorable Doyle Be Carlton, Governor of the
<br />'State of Florida, be and he is hareby again requested to immediately cull upon and: re-
<br />quire said Tex Collector to executeand•file with the proper officer or officers such
<br />new or additional bond in the sum of $10,000v00; and,
<br />Be it further resolved, that in the event of the failure or refusal of the
<br />said Tax Collector to immediately give such bond, that the Governor be and he is hereby
<br />