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figure of $96 a sq. ft., which is at the low end of scale. He <br />noted that the most important thing they found is that you have <br />the optimum and most efficient facility when you have a single <br />judicial center rather than a fragmented one. <br />Commissioner Scurlock wished to know, in the approach they <br />recommended, where we do 75,000 sq. ft. and then we shell in an <br />additional amount, if that all is contained in the surface <br />parking presented and also whether the plan they have recommended <br />eliminates the possibility of a parking garage in the future. <br />Mr. Halback answered that the plan as it is shown assumes <br />the ratio of a 103,000 sq. ft. building; so, you will have more <br />parking spaces than you need at the beginning, but it meets the <br />code for ultimate build -out. They also left a very flexible <br />situation of where garage increments can be added very easily as <br />the cost of the land rises and the need to use it increases. <br />Mr. Reeves further advised that they tried to address it so <br />the building could be expandable beyond the year 2000. <br />Commissioner Scurlock emphasized his concern that we make <br />provision for continued growth, and Mr. Reeves noted that one of <br />the things the Committee insisted on was long term flexibility. <br />Commissioner Bowman asked if they were saying that 515 <br />parking spaces will be adequate by the year 2000, and that was <br />confirmed. <br />Commissioner Scurlock continued to stress that we are <br />investing 16 million in something the court system will be in for <br />30 years; so, he wanted to be sure that this is a successful <br />project; that we build a facility that is truly functional and <br />something people can be happy in for the long term; and also that <br />if new activity occurs downtown subsequently, the parking re- <br />quirements take all that into account. <br />Mr. Halback assured him that is their main intent. He <br />pointed out that in the material given the Board, they listed 15 <br />different concepts along with costs for different locations, <br />different building configurations, structured parking, etc. He <br />ZZ= <br />5 <br />LOOK <br />I <br />