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Under discussion, Commissioner Bird asked if Commissioner <br />Scurlock was planning to come back with a second Motion <br />supporting his plan for a dependent taxing district, and <br />Commissioner Scurlock stated that he would be making that Motion <br />immediately following the vote on this Motion. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. The Motion <br />was voted on and carried unanimously. <br />Commissioner Scurlock felt he was ready to make a Motion <br />that the Board allow him to go ahead and meet with the County <br />Attorney's Office and come back with a more specific proposal in <br />a short amount of time. Since we soon will be going into budget <br />sessions, he didn't want to load it up to where he couldn't do <br />that. He felt he has pretty much laid out the framework of going <br />ahead and forming an advisory committee that could be appointed <br />by this Commission that, in fact, could transition right into <br />being the first board if this proposal was successful in a <br />referendum. The concept again is to establish a special <br />dependent district with the millage cap to be voted on by the <br />voters and approved, and that it would come back on the ballot <br />every four years to see if the voters wish to continue it, and we <br />would accomplish that either through special legislation or <br />modification of current legislation to allow us to have grants <br />and do all of the other wonderful things we want to do and with <br />the attempt to get the millage outside the County's cap. The <br />millage cannot be under our cap or we are going to be right back <br />to competing with bridges, roads, fire protection, etc. He felt <br />that would be a reasonable, intelligent approach to present to <br />the voters and he was sure good debate will ensue. <br />Chairman Eggert added that it would be with the assumption <br />that it could go to referendum as soon as possible, but <br />Commissioner Scurlock didn't anticipate it going to referendum <br />29 BOOK 0 <br />JUL 1990 <br />,6.- --- <br />