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but he didn't feel the ranger was as high a priority as some of <br />our other needs, and is not recommending funding of the ranger. <br />Commissioner Bird didn't feel the $100,000 improvement list <br />that _the committee came up with was necessarily tied to whether <br />or not the Trail becomes a county park. He believed these are <br />the improvements the committee feels need to be done along the <br />Trail for the publi'c's benefit and for the preservation of the <br />Trail. <br />Chairman Eggert pointed out that the shopping list is really <br />$180,000, and Commissioner Scurlock wished to see a full Parks 8 <br />Recreation Committee take a look at this and then prepare a <br />5 -year plan to see where we are going and how to get there. <br />Commissioner Bowman questioned how much of the $180,000 is <br />necessary. She could see stabilization, but she would like a <br />chance to look the whole thing over. <br />Commissioner Wheeler advised that a committee of the Marine <br />Advisory Committee supports the concept of making Jungle Trail <br />into a county park, but feels that stabilization of the shoreline <br />should be the first priority. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bowman, that the Board direct staff to <br />review the proposed plan and come back with the pros <br />and cons of making Jungle Trail a county park and <br />how that can be best accomplished, along with the <br />financial impact and the timing of those funds. <br />Under discussion, Administrator Chandler clarified that the <br />$100,000 that was budgeted for this year and the $100,000 being <br />recommended for next year's budget is for stabilization, <br />irrespective of whether or riot it becomes a county park. <br />Public Works Director Jim Davis advised that items #5 and <br />#10 on the list submitted by the Historical Society have been <br />J U L 17 Mo <br />BOOK 6lu <br />