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JUL 17 `1990 <br />Budget items might include: <br />shoreline stabilization <br />b,: public access acquisition <br />C. Bridge head Park improvements <br />d. regular road maintenance <br />e. continued Jungle Trail concept development <br />f. ranger patrol <br />g. additional* signage <br />h. park enhancement <br />BOOK <br />$ 40,000 <br />$100,000 <br />$ 20,000 <br />$ 3,000 <br />$ 3,000 <br />$ 5,000 <br />$ 10,000 <br />The Indian River Cbunty t[istoricnl Society offers its orgnnimation and <br />members to help Indinn River County execute these requests in nny wny <br />possible. The Jungle Trail Utnagement flan sets completion tlltes for <br />much of this work. These completion date have Ixissed in rmny mens. We <br />urge you and your department to complete the listed work immediately. <br />We are help. <br />Sincerely, <br />Clarolyn:S rt, president <br />Indiftn Ri er Cbunty historical Society <br />Millie Bunnell <br />Ruth Stanbridge <br />'john dean ' <br />Commissioner Bird explained that although they didn't have a <br />quorum in their meeting of July 5th, the Parks & Recreation <br />Committee unofficially recommended that the County Commission <br />consider making the entire length of Jungle Trail a county park. <br />Since County staff really hasn't had a chance to look into the <br />ramifications of making the Trail a county park, he would like to <br />pass this back to staff and have them come back with a recommen- <br />dation. <br />Commissioner Scurlock understood that it would be a pretty <br />extensive undertaking from a budgetary and funding standpoint. <br />He didn't know if Administrator Chandler has had a chance to <br />address it in this budget or given much thought to it for future <br />budgets. <br />Administrator Chandler.advised that we budgeted $100,000 the <br />current fiscal year and are recommending $100,000 for next year, <br />but if the Board pursues the county park concept, we will need to <br />add another $100,000 into next year's budget. <br />Commissioner Scurlock asked what personnel would be needed <br />to cut the grass, paint the benches, fill the holes, etc., and <br />Administrator Chandler advised that he is recommending funding <br />for next year for two additional personnel for maintenance, <br />primarily for the south county park and some of our other areas, <br />6 <br />