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J U L 17 1990 <br />RQQF ,0" r,65111 <br />this parcel contains perhaps the last intact, undisturbed coastal <br />hammock on the mainland. This property is environmentally <br />important according to definitions set forth in Policy 6.11, <br />which states that "Undeveloped tracts of xeric scrub and coastal/ <br />tropical hammocks 5 acres or larger shall be deemed <br />environmentally important." They are asking that the Board deny <br />this rezoning request in that it is inconsistent with the <br />Conservation Element of the Comp Plan. <br />Sue Hill, 420 West Forest Trail, asked when the survey was <br />done on the transportion, because she observed a young lady <br />taking traffic counts at Indian River Boulevard and U.S. #1 in <br />June when there is the least traffic. She felt that the count <br />should have been taken 3 months earlier during the peak tourist <br />season. <br />Director Keating advised that the Planning Department did <br />not review a traffic impact analysis. For the statements made in <br />staff's recommendation, they took the peak season traffic counts <br />that were done by the Traffic Engineering Dept. on the segments <br />of U.S. #1 that will be affected, and applied a generalized <br />capacity factor. <br />Commissioner Scurlock understood then that we used peak <br />season numbers, but don't know the applicant's numbers as yet. <br />Celeste Albert, 6 -year employee at the Lab and resident of <br />Vero Beach, questioned why we have to have a rezoning at all <br />since RS -1 is 1 upa and there.are two strips of RM -6 already <br />there. She was concerned about sewage coming out of the ground, <br />and strongly suggested that we have a moratorium on building in <br />that area until we can assure better road capacity and sewer <br />capacity. Mrs. Albert asked if the LOS "D" designation is the <br />worst designation as far as traffic volumes are concerned, -and <br />Director Keating explained that the designations can go to E or <br />F, but our Comp Plan does allow D. <br />41 <br />