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James Haeger, 1865 Garden Grove Parkway, concurred with Dr. <br />Baker about saving one of the few remaining coastal tropical <br />hammocks in the county, and urged the Board to deny this rezoning <br />request. <br />Attorney Bruce Barkett, representing the Vista Civic <br />Association, which represents homeowners in Vista Royale, Vista <br />Gardens and Forest Park Subdivision, spoke in opposition to the <br />proposed rezoning because of traffic, impact to wetlands, and <br />inconsistency with the Comp Plan with regard to the detriment to <br />the entomology lab and the incompatibility with Forest Park <br />Subdivision. He emphasized that the applicant is not here asking <br />for something that he is entitled to. The applicant is not here <br />with a site plan where he simply comes in and you have to grant <br />him site plan if he meets the rules. Nor is this a case where <br />the County is initiating action which it must justify. The <br />applicant is here to ask the County Commission to do something, <br />but you have no obligation to accommodate him if you don't think <br />it is a good idea. You do not have to move off dead center, and <br />as long as your decision is fairly debatable, and that is the <br />standard, you have complete discretion to decide this matter. <br />The only caveat is that your decision must be consistent with the <br />Comp Plan. This rezoning is not a good idea because the RM -6 <br />zoning could allow as many as 585 units if there is a density <br />transfer from the adjacent wetlands. The impacts of that high a <br />density would be significant with respect to stormwater runoff, <br />wastewater capacity, and traffic volumes. <br />Attorney Barkett pointed out that Objective #5 in the <br />Conservation Element of the Comp Plan requires you to protect the <br />functions of the wetlands so that even if a proposal doesn't <br />include the filling of wetlands, it should be denied if it <br />endangers the functions of t'he wetlands with harmful drainage. <br />Attorney Barkett concluded his arguments against the <br />rezoning, and urged the Board to deny this rezoning request. <br />42SI1 u <br />JUL 1 �: r <br />