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Commissioner Bird planned to support the Motion as well, and <br />one of his major reasons for supporting it will be the <br />inconsistency with the Conservation policies. He recently had <br />the opportunity to visit the site and spend time there, and he <br />felt that it would be very difficult to develop that site at any <br />density much above the RS -1 and still preserve the beauty, <br />integrity and the pristine environment that is there. However, <br />he still felt the people who own this property have the right to <br />use it or to sell it, and he would be the first one to lead the <br />charge for this County Commission and whatever other public <br />bodies we can mass together to buy this property and put it into <br />the public hands and the public trust as soon as we possibly can. <br />After walking that property the other day, he could say that it <br />is as close to the way Florida was 200, 300 and 400 years ago as <br />you are ever going to find left in this county, including the <br />mosquitos that are there. He hadn't been that excited about the <br />acquisition of McKee Jungle Gardens, to be honest about it, but <br />he is excited about this piece, and he would be very much in <br />favor of us trying to use whatever means we have to see that this <br />property is acquired for some public purpose and public trust. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. The Motion <br />was voted on and carried unanimously. <br />SCHEDULING OF PUBLIC HEARING - DISCUSSION OF DRAFTS, LAND <br />DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN <br />The Board scheduled a public workshop for Thursday, August <br />9, 1990, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the County Commission Chambers <br />to discuss land use elements of the Comp Plan, and authorized <br />staff to publish notice of t'he meeting. <br />46 <br />p�iGE 6�. <br />