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August 3, 1990 <br />ANN ROBINSON <br />SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS <br />1840 25TH STREET, SUITE N-109 <br />VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960-3394 <br />TELEPHONES: (407) 567-8187 or 567-8000 <br />TO: HON. CAROLYN EGGERT, CHAIRMAN, BCC <br />FROM: ANN ROBINSON, SUPERVISOR OF.ELECTIONS �� <br />RE: ITEM FOR BCC AGENDA OF AUGUST 14, 1990 <br />The BCC approved the 1990-91 elections budget which includes the <br />purchase of another used cardreader; new cardreaders are no longer <br />being manufactured. Melbourne Technical Services,2233 Vermont <br />Street, West Melbourne, FL has offered to sell us a used M1000 <br />Documation cardreader for $500 in August and the balance of $4,500 <br />in October. We have the $500 in the current budget. <br />According to F.S. 101.293, competitive bids are needed for any pur- <br />chase of voting equipment by a governing body unless "a majority <br />of the governing body finds that there is but a single source from <br />which suitable equipment may be obtained." <br />Melbourne Technical Services has been doing the maintenance on our <br />cardreaders for several years. Dan and Jackie Gloger own MTS, and <br />I have found them to be completely reliable. Some counties in <br />Florida bought cardreaders from other companies only to find that <br />the motors were substandard and had to be replaced. Attached are <br />three pages of information about the Glogers and MTS. <br />I recommend that the.Board of County Commissioners vote to approve <br />the purchase of a used M1000 Documation cardreader from Melbourne <br />Technical Services as a single source from which suitable equipment <br />may be obtained due to the proximity, reliability, and trained <br />personnel of the company. The cost will be paid from the elections <br />budget. This way the cardreader will be ready for the first primary. <br />Thank you. <br />Supervisor Robinson commented that she does not know that <br />this approval is strictly required by law, and other Supervisors <br />do not always bring this to the Commission, but she felt the <br />Board should know this. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by Com- <br />missioner Scurlock, the Board unanimously approved <br />the purchase of a used M1000 Documation cardreader <br />as requested by the Supervisor of Elections. <br />AUG 141990 9 <br />