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S E P 0 51990 <br />Mr. Ireland stated that he doesn't mind that the roads <br />aren't paved, but what he does dislike is that his taxes have <br />gone up an average of 65% for 5 years and there is one road <br />paved. He did agree that the appraised value of his property has <br />gone up, but felt it reaches a point where there has to be a <br />correlation between taxes and what is happening. <br />Administrator Chandler noted that unless Mr. Ireland's <br />assessed value went up more than the average countywide, he <br />should not experience an increase in the next year. He stressed <br />that in this budget we are trying to stay as near as possible to <br />the rollback rate, but contrary to public opinion, growth does <br />not fund itself. <br />Commissioner Scurlock believed that a large percentage of <br />Mr. Ireland's increase was due to School taxes. <br />Brenda Kraft, 8045 90th Avenue, informed the Board that she <br />has an acre and about .06 more; so, they get charged for 2 acres. <br />She advised that she has started a petition which will be coming <br />to the Board next week because a lot of residents do not want <br />this paving. She moved out to this area for the country setting <br />and would like to keep it natural. The one road that was paved <br />this year has turned into a speed lane, and they do not have <br />adequate police protection, fire department service, or reliable <br />ambulance service. They also have problems with construction <br />dumping and with people using the area as a firing range. Ms. <br />Kraft agreed that they do need drainage control and they do have <br />a mosquito problem, and they need these other things much more <br />than they need paved roads. <br />Commissioner Scurlock advised that at their last meeting the <br />Board approved $56,000 for aerial spraying for mosquitoes in this <br />general area. <br />Ms. Kraft further stressed that their road grading service <br />has dropped off considerably, and she has called the Public Works <br />Director about this. <br />22 <br />