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NOV 2719,90 <br />BOOK 82 <br />PAGE <br />I1 <br />of a District <br />and the other dealing with a funding mechanism <br />for <br />that one year interval. The North is the only one of the three <br />Districts that has the one mill cap, and in that interval from <br />October 191 to October'92, there is not sufficient money under <br />the 1 mill currently authorized to fund what they have planned <br />for the two north stations. Another thing that impacted us is <br />that you cannot create a district in the middle of the year. <br />Since the referendum is approved for March in the Spring of 1991, <br />we cannot effect the process to create the district until January <br />of 1992; therefore, if the district is approved by the voters, it <br />would be created as of October 1, 1992. If this referendum <br />passes, the current 3 districts will be repealed. <br />Director Wright noted that in prior handouts, you will see a <br />note referring to 31 mills, and he did not wan this misunder- <br />stood. He stressed that the 1/2 mill above the 3 mills is no -t <br />additional taxes; we would simply be moving the ALS out of the <br />General Fund into the Special District, and that 1/2 mill is <br />already being paid by all the county residents at this time. It <br />is not new taxes. <br />Director Wright then reviewed their plans for the next 6 <br />fiscal years for new equipment, personnel, location of stations, <br />etc., noting that in FY 95/96 they have removed the Mall station <br />originally planned and that decreases the millage substantially <br />in the 6th year. There is no new personnel or capital equipment <br />included in that last year because they think by that time they <br />would have built the stations needed in the foreseeable future <br />and wirl-essentially have an emergency service district in place <br />with the personnel and equipment to be able to function as a <br />single entity. Director Wright stressed that they feel the <br />resources can be better used when those services are combined. <br />Director Wright next listed the benefits that could be <br />obtained from voter approval of consolidation: <br />1) There would be a timely and certain response with profes- <br />sionally trained staff supplemented by volunteers. (Director <br />8 <br />