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J._Library Project___Budget Amendment #011 <br />The Board reviewed memo from OMB Director Joseph Baird: <br />TO: Members of the Board <br />of County Commissioners <br />DATE: December 12, 1990 <br />SUBJECT: LIBRARY PROJECT - BUDGET AMENDMENT 011 <br />FROM: Joseph A. Baird, Direct <br />Management & Budget <br />DESCRIPTION AND CONDITIONS <br />During the initial planning stage of the Libraries, the Commission expressed concern because <br />there was no money included in the Library Construction budget for library materials (i.e. <br />books, subscriptions, microfilm, microform, audio/visual aids, software). The library project <br />is substantially finished with the Main Library 95% complete and the North County Library <br />now open for business. Both libraries will be under budget and we have not utilized any of <br />the Main Library project contingency of $270,000 or North County library project <br />contingency of $85,000. Staff would like authorization to use $235,000 of this contingency <br />to purchase library materials of which $150,000 would be for the Main Library and $85,000 <br />for the North County Library. <br />In addition, we would like permission to move funds as needed to complete the project. At <br />the end of the project the remaining cash in the project fund will be segregated and used <br />only for future library materials and equipment. <br />RECOMMENDATIONS AND FUNDING <br />Authorize staff to utilize funds in the Library Construction fund as mentioned above and <br />_ approve the attached budget amendment. <br />Commissioner Scurlock advised that at the risk of sounding <br />anti -library, which he is not, he has a number of concerns as he <br />tracks this project. The actual dollars that are going to be <br />surplus seem to him to be more in the range of $590,000. and in <br />terms of bonds, that would represent 100 of a 5 million dollar <br />bond issue, which is generally what a contingency is. He has <br />discussed the possibility of defeasing the bonds and has asked <br />the ONIB Director to look into this. Commissioner Scurlock felt <br />it is typical of government, and he hoped we have taken a <br />positive approach and aren't actually typical government, where <br />when there is a significant savings, it is felt the best approach <br />is to spend that money. He is not sure the best approach is <br />always to spend the money. There may be good reasons for it, and <br />he has talked to the Administrator who has indicated staff is in <br />favor of this, but he personally felts this needs more dialogue <br />than just being on the Consent Agenda. <br />� <br />17 BOOK <br />