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Commissioner Wheeler felt what is a little misleading with <br />Concept L is that it does not include the Brackett property to <br />the north of the State Attorney's office although it is drawn in, <br />but he does feel that L is the best project. <br />Commissioner Scurlock asked if L has us with no out parcels <br />involved, and this was confirmed. <br />Chairman Eggert commented that the only problem she has with <br />Concept M is that it takes up the City parking lot and it closes <br />15th Avenue. She personally would prefer to put a building <br />square on a block rather than over a street. <br />Commissioner Wheeler felt that no matter what we do with <br />Concepts M or J, the parking for the Courthouse and the <br />businesses is going to be a constant conflict. These concepts <br />set the buildings practically on top of each other, and he likes <br />the concept of moving the Courthouse away another half a block. <br />He agreed with staff that L addresses all our needs, and he would <br />support staff's recommendations. He also liked having the <br />building square on the block rather than closing 15th Avenue. <br />Commissioner Bird asked if we keep the State Attorney's <br />building and the old Courthouse and Annex, are we still convinced <br />that we need to build a 75,000 sq. ft. building. <br />Administrator Chandler believed that determination has been <br />made based on our prior discussions, which confirmed this would <br />be needed. <br />The Chairman asked if anyone wished to be heard. <br />Attorney Michael O'Haire came before the Board representing <br />Vero Beach Printing Company, which is owned by the Graves family <br />and for more than 3 decades has been located at 1525 21st Street. <br />It is one of the few businesses that still exist from the time <br />when he was in Vero Beach High School. Concept J is the only one <br />that preserves the integrity of that business, and Vero Beach <br />Printing Company is not a willing seller to say the least. <br />Attorney O'Haire felt that the more important fact is that here <br />we have a business that has been in place for more than 30 years, <br />and when the aim is to redevelop the downtown area, he felt the <br />question is should a concept be adopted that is going to destroy <br />something that is alive and vital in downtown Vero Beach? He <br />does not feel it should, and, therefore, he is here today to ask <br />43 <br />DEC 18199Q eooK. �� FA.GL, -w <br />