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• Indian River County Page 3 <br />Emergency Permitting Rules & Regulations <br />Significant Adverse Impact — Adverse impacts of such magnitude that they may alter the <br />coastal system by (a) measurably .affecting the existing shoreline change rate, (b) <br />significantly mterfering with its ability to recover from a coastal storm, or (c) <br />disturbing topography or vegetation such that the system becomes unstable, or suffers <br />catastrophic failure. <br />Vulnerable Structure — An eligible structure which, as a result of erosion from a storm <br />event that has been declared an emergency by Indian River County, has fewer than <br />twenty (20) feet of property (buffer zone) between the seaward most edge of the <br />eligible structure and the dune escarpment. The width of the buffer zone shall be <br />subject to change and shall be updated by Indian River County at intervals specified <br />in the HCP. The width of the buffer zone shall be determined using FDEP's High <br />Frequency Dune Erosion Model that calculates dune recession rates based on .a 15- <br />year return interval storm. Vulnerable structures also include eligible structures <br />whose structural foundations have been exposed, as well as eligible structures where <br />shoreline protection measures were initiated under emergency authorization from <br />Indian River County on or before March 30, 1999, but those measures could not be <br />completed due to legal challenges: <br />Rules & Regulations: <br />1. Permits for emergency shoreline protection shall only be issued to eligible and <br />vulnerable structures. <br />2. Permits shall not be issued for temporary shoreline protection measures that, in the <br />judgment of the Coastal Engineer, are likely to cause significant adverse impacts nor <br />shall permits be issued when a proposed shoreline protection measure is not for the <br />purpose of alleviating conditions resulting from the shoreline emergency. <br />3. Protective measures must be limited to one or a combination of the following: <br />a. Placing beach -compatible sand from upland sources on the beach, <br />b. Creatinga temporary barrier seaward of the structure using sand bags and/or <br />geotextile fabrics filled with sand, <br />c. Shoring up (reinforcing) foundations, <br />d. Installing temporary wooden retaming walls, cantilever sheetpile walls (without <br />concrete caps, tie -backs, or other reinforcement), or similar structures seaward of <br />the vulnerable structure. <br />5. Temporary structures constructed for emergency protection shall be: <br />a. Designed and sited to minimize excavation of the beach and frontal dune as well <br />as impacts to native vegetation, marine turtles and adjacent properties, and <br />b. Designed and sited to facilitate removal. <br />6. The Coastal Engineer will make a determination as to the most appropriate protective <br />measure(s) for the site, with the goal of providing adequate temporary protection for <br />3 <br />