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Indian River County Page 4 <br />Emergency Permitting Rules & Regulations <br />the vulnerable structure while minimizing impacts to sea turtle nesting habitat and the <br />coastal system. Because each site is unique, it is not possible to establish a matrix to <br />identify the appropriate protection measure for all possible scenarios. The Coastal <br />Engineer will use his/her best professional judgment when deciding the most <br />appropriate shoreline protection measure for a specific site. This assessment will be <br />based upon careful consideration of factors such as: <br />a. Potential for physical damage to the structure because of erosion; <br />b. Extent of storm damage to the beach/dune system; <br />c Distance of the structure from the dune escarpment; <br />d. Pre -storm conditions at the site (i.e., critically eroding, eroding, accreting, <br />etc.); <br />e. Potential consequences to coastal processes and downdrift properties <br />resultmg from various shoreline protection options; <br />f. Time of year when the emergency occurs (e.g., during or outside of the <br />nesting season, likelihood for additional storm activity, etc.); and <br />g. Construction schedules for permitted beach nourishment projects at the <br />site. <br />7. Any fill material placed on the beach shall be sand that is similar, in both coloration <br />and grain -size, to that already existing at natural (Le., never before nourished) beach <br />sites in the County All such fill material shall be free of construction debris, rocks <br />or other foreign material and shall not contain, on average, greater than 10 percent <br />silts and clays (i.e. sediments passing through a No. 200 standard sieve) and/or <br />greater than 5 percent coarse gravel or cobbles (sediments retamed by a No. 4 <br />standard sieve), exclusive of shell material. <br />8. All protective measures shall be implemented in a manner that minimises adverse <br />impacts to the coastal system, native vegetation and adjacent properties, while still <br />providing adequate protection for the vulnerable structure. If a temporary structure is <br />permitted, it shall be sited at or landward of the dune escarpment and as close to the <br />vulnerable structure as practicable to provide sufficient protection. The Coastal <br />Engineer shall use his/her best professional judgment in determining the appropriate <br />location of protective structures. Information that will influence the location <br />includes: <br />a. The type of protective material(s) to be used, <br />b. Construction methods, <br />c. Site topography, <br />d. Distance between the vulnerable structure and dune escarpment, <br />e. Extent of erosional threat to the vulnerable structure, <br />f. Presence/absence of sea turtle nesting habitat and/or marked nests, and <br />g. Other site-specific conditions. <br />9. There shall be no implementation of shoreline protection measures until an <br />emergency permit is obtained from Indian River County. Written application for an <br />