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h <br /> SECTION 1 <br /> TIMETABLE AND REQUIREMENTS FOR CANVASSING BOARD ACTIVITIES <br /> INCLUDING SUGGESTED PROCEDURES <br /> Several Months Prior to the Election—Section 102.141 and 286.011,FS. <br /> • Appoint canvassing board members. <br /> No member can serve if he or she is a candidate with opposition in the election being canvassed, or is <br /> actively participating in the campaign or the candidacy of any candidate who has opposition in the <br /> election being canvassed. Actively participating means undertaking an intentional effort to demonstrate <br /> or generate public support for a candidate beyond merely making a campaign contribution. Refer to DE <br /> 08-10; 09-07. <br /> Suggestion—At least one month prior to the pre-election test of the voting equipment the newly formed <br /> canvassing board should have a publicly noticed orientation meeting to discuss such issues as the <br /> calendar for the election(s)and the criteria to be used for accepting and rejecting as illegal absentee <br /> ballots. A second orientation meeting may be necessary. It is helpful to develop a chart or formally <br /> adopt a set of criteria to be used for canvassing ballots at this orientation meeting when there is less <br /> pressure on the board to make these decisions. The board can then use the pre-determined criteria to <br /> canvass ballots at election time. Pre-determining the criteria for accepting and rejecting as illegal <br /> absentee ballots also makes it easier for election staff to organize the ballots for canvassing board <br /> review. <br /> Ten Days or Less Prior to the Commencement of Early Voting—Sections 101.5612(2)and 101.657, <br /> FS. <br /> • Conduct publicly noticed pre-election test of voting equipment(A second test may be conducted <br /> if the polling place ballots are not ready at the time of the first test). <br /> Suggestion—If there is a member of the public present or a candidate, allow that person to participate <br /> in the public test by choosing a machine to be tested, etc. <br /> Fifteen Days Prior to the Election—Canvass of Absentee Ballots—Section 101.68(2),FS. <br /> • May begin canvassing of absentee ballots at 7 a.m. on the 15'h day before the election, but not <br /> later than noon on the day following the election. <br /> • Publicly notice canvassing meeting. <br /> • May process absentee ballots through the tabulating equipment beginning at 7 a.m. on the 151h <br /> day prior to the election. <br /> • Conduct logic and accuracy test on the tabulation equipment BEFORE processing absentee <br /> ballots. Section 101.5612(3), FS. <br /> Suggestion— When preparing your public notice for this meeting, include a time prior to the beginning <br /> of your canvass when people may inspect the absentee ballot envelopes since any challenge to a voter's <br /> ballot must be made before it is opened. Section 101.68(2)(2)FS. <br /> Election Day and the Days After—Section 102.141(4),FS and RULE 1S-2.016 FAC. <br /> • Report all early voting and all tabulated absentee results to the Department of State within 30 <br /> minutes after the polls close. <br /> • Report, with the exception of provisional ballot results, updated precinct election results to the <br /> department at least every 45 minutes until all results are completely reported. <br /> • Notify (The supervisor of elections notifies)the department immediately of any circumstances <br /> that do not permit periodic updates as required. <br /> • Submit results in a format prescribed by the department. <br /> 2012 FSASE CANVASSING BOARD MANUAL PAGE 2 <br /> 41 <br />