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i ub.l Y 1 - - Gv 1 J r lul lua J tatutub - i 11G r io lua 3tuiutu <br /> (2) The county canvassing board shall meet in a building accessible to the public in the county where the <br /> election occurred at a time and place to be designated by the supervisor of elections to publicly canvass the <br /> absentee electors'ballots as provided for in s.101.68 and provisional ballots as provided by ss.101.048, 101.049, <br /> and 101.6925.Provisional ballots cast pursuant to s. 101.049 shall be canvassed in a manner that votes for <br /> candidates and issues on those ballots can be segregated from other votes.Public notice of the time and place at <br /> which the county canvassing board shall meet to canvass the absentee electors'ballots and provisional ballots <br /> shall be given at least 48 hours prior thereto by publication on the supervisor of elections'website and once in one <br /> or more newspapers of general circulation in the county or,if there is no newspaper of general circulation in the <br /> county,by posting such notice in at least four conspicuous places in the county.As soon as the absentee electors' <br /> ballots and the provisional ballots are canvassed, the board shall proceed to publicly canvass the vote given each <br /> candidate,nominee,constitutional amendment,or other measure submitted to the electorate of the county,as <br /> shown by the returns then on file in the office of the supervisor of elections. <br /> (3) The canvass,except the canvass of absentee electors'returns and the canvass of provisional ballots,shall be <br /> made from the returns and certificates of the inspectors as signed and filed by them with the supervisor, and the <br /> county canvassing board shall not change the number of votes cast for a candidate,nominee,constitutional <br /> amendment,or other measure submitted to the electorate of the county,respectively,in any polling place,as <br /> shown by the returns.All returns shall be made to the board on or before 2 a.m.of the day following any <br /> primary,general,or other election.If the returns from any precinct are missing,if there are any omissions on the <br /> returns from any precinct,or if there is an obvious error on any such returns,the canvassing board shall order a <br /> retabulation of the returns from such precinct.Before canvassing such returns,the canvassing board shall <br /> examine the tabulation of the ballots cast in such precinct and determine whether the returns correctly reflect the <br /> votes cast.If there is a discrepancy between the returns and the tabulation of the ballots cast,the tabulation of the <br /> ballots cast shall be presumed correct and such votes shall be canvassed accordingly. <br /> (4)(a) The supervisor of elections shall upload into the county's election management system by 7 p.m. on the <br /> day before the election the results of all early voting and absentee ballots that have been canvassed and tabulated <br /> by the end of the early voting period.Pursuant to ss. 101.5614(9),101.657,and 101.68(2),the tabulation of votes <br /> cast or the results of such uploads may not be made public before the close of the polls on election day. <br /> (b) The canvassing board shall report all early voting and all tabulated absentee results to the Department of <br /> State within 30 minutes after the polls close.Thereafter,the canvassing board shall report,with the exception of <br /> provisional ballot results,updated precinct election results to the department at least every 45 minutes until all <br /> results are completely reported.The supervisor of elections shall notify the department immediately of any <br /> circumstances that do not permit periodic updates as required.Results shall be submitted in a format prescribed <br /> by the department. <br /> (5) The canvassing board shall submit on forms or in formats provided by the division unofficial returns to the <br /> Department of State for each federal,statewide,state,or multicounty office or ballot measure no later than noon <br /> on the third day after any primary election and no later than noon on the fourth day after any general or other <br /> election.Such returns shall include the canvass of all ballots as required by subsection(2). <br /> (6) If the county canvassing board determines that the unofficial returns may contain a counting error in <br /> which the vote tabulation system failed to count votes that were properly marked in accordance with the <br /> instructions on the ballot,the county canvassing board shall: <br /> (a) Correct the error and retabulate the affected ballots with the vote tabulation system;or <br /> (b) Request that the Department of State verify the tabulation software.When the Department of State verifies <br /> such software,the department shall compare the software used to tabulate the votes with the software filed with <br /> the department pursuant to s. 101.5607 and check the election parameters. <br /> (7) If the unofficial returns reflect that a candidate for any office was defeated or eliminated by one-half of a <br /> percent or less of the votes cast for such office,that a candidate for retention to a judicial office was retained or <br /> 10/3/2013 <br /> 45 <br />