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3/23/2016 9:06:22 AM
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BCC Regular Meeting
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Agenda Packet
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Board of County Commissioners
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I VL.1 T1 - GV1J 11V11ULL VLLILULL,J - 111L. 11V11UU VV11ULV a wbv v va <br /> N <br /> not retained by one-half of a percent or less of the votes cast on the question of retention,or that a measure <br /> appearing on the ballot was approved or rejected by one-half of a percent or less of the votes cast on such <br /> measure,a recount shall be ordered of the votes cast with respect to such office or measure.The Secretary of State <br /> is responsible for ordering recounts in federal,state,and multicounty races.The county canvassing board or the <br /> local board responsible for certifying the election is responsible for ordering recounts in all other races.A recount <br /> need not be ordered with respect to the returns for any office,however,if the candidate or candidates defeated or <br /> eliminated from contention for such office by one-half of a percent or less of the votes cast for such office request <br /> in writing that a recount not be made. <br /> (a) Each canvassing board responsible for conducting a recount shall put each marksense ballot through <br /> automatic tabulating equipment and determine whether the returns correctly reflect the votes cast.If any <br /> marksense ballot is physically damaged so that it cannot be properly counted by the automatic tabulating <br /> equipment during the recount,a true duplicate shall be made of the damaged ballot pursuant to the procedures <br /> in s. 101.5614(5).Immediately before the start of the recount,a test of the tabulating equipment shall be conducted <br /> as provided in s.101.5612.If the test indicates no error, the recount tabulation of the ballots cast shall be <br /> presumed correct and such votes shall be canvassed accordingly.If an error is detected,the cause therefor shall <br /> be ascertained and corrected and the recount repeated, as necessary.The canvassing board shall immediately <br /> report the error,along with the cause of the error and the corrective measures being taken,to the Department of <br /> State.No later than 11 days after the election, the canvassing board shall file a separate incident report with the <br /> Department of State, detailing the resolution of the matter and identifying any measures that will avoid a future <br /> recurrence of the error. <br /> (b) Each canvassing board responsible for conducting a recount where touchscreen ballots were used shall <br /> examine the counters on the precinct tabulators to ensure that the total of the returns on the precinct tabulators <br /> equals the overall election return.If there is a discrepancy between the overall election return and the counters of <br /> the precinct tabulators,the counters of the precinct tabulators shall be presumed correct and such votes shall be <br /> NV.- canvassed accordingly. <br /> (c) The canvassing board shall submit on forms or in formats provided by the division a second set of <br /> unofficial returns to the Department of State for each federal,statewide,state,or multicounty office or ballot <br /> measure.The returns shall be filed no later than 3 p.m.on the 5th day after any primary election and no later than <br /> 3 p.m.on the 9th day after any general election in which a recount was ordered by the Secretary of State.If the <br /> canvassing board is unable to complete the recount prescribed in this subsection by the deadline,the second set <br /> of unofficial returns submitted by the canvassing board shall be identical to the initial unofficial returns and the <br /> submission shall also include a detailed explanation of why it was unable to timely complete the recount. <br /> However,the canvassing board shall complete the recount prescribed in this subsection,along with any manual <br /> recount prescribed in s. 102.166,and certify election returns in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. <br /> (d) The Department of State shall adopt detailed rules prescribing additional recount procedures for each <br /> certified voting system,which shall be uniform to the extent practicable. <br /> (8) The canvassing board may employ such clerical help to assist with the work of the board as it deems <br /> necessary,with at least one member of the board present at all times,until the canvass of the returns is <br /> completed.The clerical help shall be paid from the same fund as inspectors and other necessary election officials. <br /> (9)(a) At the same time that the official results of an election are certified to the Department of State, the <br /> county canvassing board shall file a report with the Division of Elections on the conduct of the election.The <br /> report must describe: <br /> 1. All equipment or software malfunctions at the precinct level, at a counting location,or within computer and <br /> telecommunications networks supporting a county location, and the steps that were taken to address the <br /> malfunctions; <br /> NVOW <br /> 10/3/2013 <br /> 46 <br />
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