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Urban Water Quality and Fertilizer Ordinances:Avoiding Unintended Consequences:A Review.... 12 <br /> also noted a particularly high degree of plant species could predict when P fertilization could resume.The <br /> diversity or richness in urban areas.These studies majority of soils in a North Carolina study did not <br /> suggest that urban soils offer potential for using the need P fertilizer(Osmond and Hardy,2004). <br /> diversity for the development of sustainable <br /> management practices for improving the capacity of Urban soil systems can be responsible for <br /> the urban landscape to deliver environmental benefits. significant N losses due to denitrification(Grof iman <br /> and Crawford,2003).Their studies in an urban <br /> Urban soils can be highly disturbed due to the riparian zone in Baltimore,Maryland,showed strong <br /> excavation,grading,soil moving,and construction positive relationships between soil moisture and <br /> processes,and fill-soils can take many forms organic matter and denitrification.These authors <br /> (USDA-NRCS,2005).Urban soils can be highly suggested taking advantage of these soil properties in <br /> compacted during the construction period and the storm water treatment in urban environments. <br /> water infiltration rate is reduced in these compacted <br /> soils(Gregory et al.,2006).These authors found that The potential for nutrient retention can be great <br /> construction activity reduced infiltration rates 70 to for urban soils,especially for lawns.This is because <br /> 99%and infiltration rates were typically lower than lawns are typically managed with irrigation and <br /> design storm infiltration rate(10 inches per hour) fertilizer to encourage plant growth and development <br /> used in northern Florida.Understanding these soil (Pouyat et al.,2010).Plant biomass is converted to <br /> formation and transformation processes is important soil organic matter,especially in lawns,and this <br /> for developing(after construction)and maintaining organic matter retains nutrients and water. <br /> landscapes that achieve the desired aesthetic Unfertilized lawns would reduce their productivity <br /> properties yet also do not result in degradation of and reduce their nutrient retention capacity.The key <br /> nearby water bodies.Paving and compacted soils can will be to balance the amount of nutrient inputs <br /> be facilitators of urban runoff and pollution.In a during the summer with the need to maintain <br /> meta-analysis of research studies on the relationship nutrient-assimilation capacity and organic matter <br /> between impervious surface and stream water quality, building capacity with reductions in nutrient losses to <br /> Schueler et al.(2009),found the impervious cover water bodies. <br /> model was supported;stream water quality can be In summary,research shows that urban soils can <br /> predicted from impervious cover percentage.Relative be highly disturbed yet maintain a high degree of <br /> proportion of open urban turf and landscape areas and capacity to benefit the environment.Urban soils are <br /> impervious areas should be considered to minimize highly variable in nutrient-supplying and retention <br /> runoff impacts on stream water quality capacities.Urban landscape management,especially <br /> (USDA-NRCS,2005).However,municipalities for soil disturbance,fertilization,and irrigation,is a <br /> considering regulations regarding limits to critical factor determining whether a soil/landscape <br /> impervious cover should first conduct a system will be a nutrient sink or a nutrient source and <br /> comprehensive evaluation of receiving water bodies the degree to which it will either retain or release <br /> and environmental assessments such as sources and nutrients.Research shows the most effective <br /> mitigation because limits may lead to increased approach to reducing nutrient losses will not be a <br /> environmental problems(Jones et al.,2005). one-size-fits-all approach,such as a fertilizer ban <br /> Plant growth and health are related to soil across all landscapes.Proper fertilization is needed to <br /> properties(USDA-NRCS,2005).For example,soils maintain healthy turfgrass that retains nutrients and <br /> that are high in organic matter(>3%)may require water. <br /> less N than soils with low organic matter(1%or less) <br /> because significant amounts of N can be made <br /> available from the organic matter in these soils. <br /> Urban soils that test high in P content would be <br /> unlikely to require additional P fertilization for at <br /> least several years,and then a well-calibrated soil test <br /> 13 - 19 <br />