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"swale" is a ditch which takes up'more of that 35' easement there <br />to Powerline. She felt that was unnecessary and noted they left <br />a narrow road to get to Powerline, and the person who owns that <br />corner property gave her permission to go through. She is the <br />one who has maintained that road nobody else- and she does not <br />maintain it for a dragrace or profanity. <br />Chairman Bird suggested that we have the Administrator send <br />staff members out to look into this situation. <br />Commissioner Bowman felt that the County needs to look at <br />Ms. Kaye's deed. <br />Attorney Collins advised that there is a statement on the <br />face of the deed which says it is subject to a 35' easement for <br />public utilities and road R/W. When the subdivision was platted, <br />there was a 35' R/W dedicated, but it has never been up to county <br />standards and it (the road) has never been accepted for mainte- <br />nance; although, the county has done some maintenance of the <br />swale along the road. <br />Commissioner Wheeler asked if we are not maintaining the <br />road, and Ms. Kaye stated that the County is not and further <br />claimed that she personally put in $4,000 worth of sand to build <br />that road and also put in a culvert so the fire department could <br />get through. <br />Attorney Collins pointed out that there are platted roads in <br />this county which are only paper streets and have trees growing <br />in them, but when a road is dedicated to the public, it is <br />available for people to pass over it, and they have a right to <br />walk down it whether or not it is 'up to county standards. <br />Ms. Kaye felt they do not hake a right to use it and be <br />abusive, and Attorney Collins sta�ed that is a matter for the <br />Sheriff. <br />Commissioner Wheeler asked why the County couldn't barricade <br />the road, and Commissioner Scurlock noted that another option is <br />to abandon our right to that road.11 He felt if it is not an <br />easement, and we are not maintaining it, and it doesn't service <br />anyone but Ms. Kaye, it may be logical to abandon it. <br />Attorney Collins agreed that could be done, but that would <br />require a formal public hearing process. <br />Administrator Chandler believed that at this time, the road <br />in question is simply a paper road. We do need to look at the <br />R/W and the drainage ditch. We also need to address if the <br />street is needed in the future, and if there is drag racing, it <br />should be reported to the Sheriff. <br />Chairman Bird felt we shouldjdelay a few weeks to sort some <br />of this out and then have it brought back for further discussion. <br />6 zd - r fir, <br />231 <br />RUG 61991 <br />