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Last modified
7/23/2015 12:03:10 PM
Creation date
6/16/2015 10:40:25 AM
Meeting Type
Special Call Meeting
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He believed that some of the people in the MSTU were thinking <br />only of drainage and the master plan, and he wished to know the <br />total number of dollars that will be raised from the 2 areas that <br />seem to be in opposition. <br />Director Davis believed we are probably talking about 15% of <br />3,000 acres. <br />A gentleman from the audience interjected that there are 60 <br />acres in Less Pine Lake Estates, and Director Davis noted that <br />those acres at $50 a parcel/acre would generate $3,000. <br />Commissioner Scurlock then asked if you just took the <br />drainage control structure (the one big box culvert), how much is <br />that improvement alone. <br />Director Davis estimated that the culvert itself, including <br />labor probably would be $8,000, and then the head walls are <br />another $6/7000; so, altogether you are probably talking $20,000 <br />for the drainage pipe beneath 89th Street. <br />Commissioner Scurlock commented that, in other words, the <br />benefit would be about $20,000 and only about $3,000 would be <br />generated from that area. He felt that puts it more in <br />perspective. <br />Chairman Bird opened the public hearing and asked if anyone <br />wished to be heard. <br />Richard Cook, Less Pine Lake Estates, informed the Board <br />that he has 5 acres of A-1 AG zoning listed as one unit for 5 <br />acres, and as far as getting his moneys worth for the proposed <br />assessment, he stated that he is not. He wished to know the size <br />of the culvert that Mr. Davis intends to put in. <br />Director Davis believed it is about 48", and while he does <br />not have the actual design for all of it, the one culvert on 89th <br />Street has been designed and it would be approximately 60/70' <br />long. The cost of the culvert usually runs about $50 a foot. We <br />use reinforced concrete pipe and we would put it in a DOT Class 2 <br />bedding; therefore, with the pipe, the bedding material, the <br />backfill, wing walls, and there is more than one of those pipes <br />that serve that canal, basically it would amount to the figures <br />he stated earlier of $15,000/20,000. <br />Mr. Cook asked Director Davis if this project has to be paid <br />for in two years and cannot be stretched out, and Commissioner <br />Wheeler noted that decision cannot be made by Mr. Davis. That <br />was the Board's decision to make along with input from the <br />community. <br />Mr. Cook then referred back to the Minutes of the July 16th <br />which state that a Stormwater Utility is a proposed program as <br />part of the Drainage Element of our Comprehensive Land Use Plan <br />and cited Mr. Davis as saying that a typical stormwater utility <br />35 BOOK 0 <br />SLP . 199 <br />
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