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Last modified
7/23/2015 12:03:10 PM
Creation date
6/16/2015 10:40:25 AM
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r- I <br />EP i1 `99 <br />BOOK . 84 D'._7665 <br />levies a utility fee based on equivalent residential units, and <br />if you have one house on 2 or 3 lots, it is usually charged for <br />one single unit. Mr. Cook pointed out that goes back to what he <br />is trying to say, which is that he is being discriminated against <br />because he has one unit for 5 acres, and that is the same as the <br />unit for 2 or 3 acres. Also, as far as the man being assessed <br />$1.00 a front foot, on an 100' lot that is $200. <br />Director Davis interjected that there are lots on both sides <br />of that street that are being assessed. <br />Mr. Cook contended that in one year he would be paying <br />almost the same amount for only one dwelling on 5 acres as these <br />people will pay on both sides of the road. <br />Chairman Bird asked if Mr. Cook wouldn't agree that 5 acres <br />has the potential of discharging more into the drainage system <br />than one acre does. He believed that is part of the <br />justification for the per parcel/acre assessment. <br />Mr. Cook referred back to the same Minutes and the Notice in <br />the newspaper of that meeting, which he pointed out refers only <br />to paving, and claimed that Pine Lake Estates was not even <br />mentioned in that Notice. <br />Administrator Chandler read aloud the following Notice of <br />that meeting that was advertised in the PRESS JOURNAL: <br />PUBLIC NOTICES <br />PUBLIC MEETING <br />A PUBLIC MEETING BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS WITH THE PROPERTY OWN- <br />ERS OF ALL UNITS OF VERO LAKE ESTATES <br />SUBDIVISIONS. PINE LAKES ESTATES SUBDIVI- <br />SION. AND ALL UNPLATTED LANDS WITHIN THE <br />VERO LAKES ESTATES MUNICIPAL SERVICE <br />TAXING UNIT WILL BE HELD TUESDAY. JULY 16, <br />1991 AT 7:00 PM IN THE NORTH COUNTY LI- <br />BRARY MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM LOCATED <br />AT 1001 CR 512. THE BOARD. AFTER HEARING <br />COMMENTS FROM PROPERTY OWNERS WILL <br />CONSIDER RAISING THE VERO LAKE ESTATES <br />MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT ASSESS- <br />MENT FROM $15 PER PARCEUACRE TO S5G <br />PER PARCEL/ACRE FOR A TWO YEAR PERIOD <br />COMMENCING OCTOBER 1. 1991 AND REVERT- <br />ING BACK TO $15 PER PARCEUACRE OCTO- <br />BER 1. 1993 FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING <br />THE PAVING OF PORTIONS OF 91ST AVENUE. <br />77TH STREET. AND 101ST AVENUE. <br />ALL PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN VERO LAKE <br />ESTATES ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. <br />June 18. 25. July 2, 9. 1991 804888 <br />Mr. Cook asked if you are saying that Less Pine Lakes is not <br />an unrecorded plat. <br />Director Davis agreed that Pine Lake Estates Subdivision is <br />an unrecorded plat, but the unplatted area around there is an <br />unrecorded metes and bounds area. <br />Mr. Cook then asked if the County is issuing any building <br />permits for Pine Lake Estates. Fie believed they are not, and <br />people in Less Pine Lakes are not being able to build on the <br />
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