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Last modified
7/23/2015 12:03:10 PM
Creation date
6/16/2015 10:40:25 AM
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property they own. He felt you are talking like this place in <br />the North County is some kind of Outer Siberia, but the people <br />there are part of the United States and they pay federal taxes, <br />state taxes, county taxes, non-ad valorem taxes, gas taxes. They <br />can't even have a dirt road going to their house, but yet they <br />are paying for a paved road 2 or 3 miles away from their house <br />that they have to go out and around to get to. Mr. Cook thanked <br />the Board for listening to him, but just wanted them to know that <br />things aren't right, and he felt the County should do a more in <br />depth study of this situation before passing judgment on the <br />north end of the county. <br />Bob Peters, 8980 106th Avenue, Pine Lake Estates, contended, <br />as to the small percentage it was said that they are paying, that <br />the culvert being discussed is not just for them; it covers the <br />whole area. Vero Lake Estates is on both sides and below them. <br />He continued that last week some person said it is not 3 miles <br />from them to where this road is being paved; so, he went out and <br />checked it, and it is 2.7 miles. Mr. Peters wished to know if <br />any of the Commissioners have gone out and looked at the road <br />that is to be paved because if you drive down it, you would see <br />it is all grass. <br />Commissioner Scurlock stated that he has been down there, <br />and Commissioner Bowman noted that she got lost out there. <br />Chairman Bird believed the intent in paving the roads in <br />question is to create a loop, and Director Davis agreed that it <br />is to create a looped paved road system and implement that <br />section of the drainage plan along those roadways to serve a <br />majority of the area. <br />Commissioner Scurlock felt that intent of the paving is just <br />so that everyone, even in the center of that looped area, has a <br />shorter distance to go to get to a good road to get in or out. <br />Mir. Peters stressed that he has no reason to go in that area <br />so he did not see the justification for him to pay for this. <br />Commissioner Wheeler believed the justification is the <br />drainage, but Mr. Peters continued to contend that drainage was <br />not mentioned as part of the project. <br />Commissioner Wheeler believed this was discussed earlier in <br />some detail. He again explained that when we say paving, we also <br />mean drainage - it is similar to saying that you are buying a car <br />and tires. The drainage is part of the engineering and design of <br />a roadway, and a paved road actually helps drainage. <br />Mr. Peters then also wished to know why this has to be done <br />in 2 years, especially because of the state of the economy. Can <br />it be stretched out possibly 4 years. <br />37 BOOK <br />SEP 111991 <br />
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