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I <br />SEP 17 1991 <br />mor S Frti.vE e <br />Representative Sembler's office because he could pass a special <br />bill, but before he would want to do that, he would want to see <br />some indication that everyone was in favor of that, which would <br />be a petition process. However, Mr. Sembler's office called and <br />said they are not really equipped to write any special bills. He <br />would be willing to work with them if the Board wishes. <br />Commissioner Eggert understood then that we need to tell the <br />petitioners from Fellsmere that they need to find or form an <br />action committee in order to pay for the petition signatures to <br />be properly counted and to be placed on the ballot on the City's <br />election next March. _ <br />Attorney Vitunac advised that a special act has to be <br />advertised 30 days before it can be filed in the Legislature.• He <br />didn't know whether Fellsmere's city charter has a provision for <br />terminating the city, but their charter may require a petition if <br />the City Council won't put it on the ballot. If not, they can go <br />to Representative Sembler who has plenipotentiary power. <br />Ann Robinson, Supervisor of Elections, adv.ised that <br />Fellsmere's City Council can put the question of disincorporation <br />on the ballot at their regular election next March if they choose <br />to do that. The citizens could force it on the ballot, but in <br />order to do that properly, they would have to form a political <br />committee first. She believed that has not been done, according <br />to Ms. Smith. They have more than 100 signatures on petitions, <br />but because no political committee was formed to circulate those <br />petitions, they are considered informal. Therefore, they would <br />need to go back and do it again, because petition signatures are <br />dated in order to determine if they are valid. The political <br />action committee would then pay 104 a name to have the names <br />verified as registered voters. <br />Chairman Bird felt the citizens' group first should go and <br />present their feelings and request to the City Council, and then <br />if the City Council doesn't agree, go around that. <br />Commissioner Eggert pointed out that if they want to take <br />this issue before the Legislative Delegation, they would have to <br />move right along. The Legislative Delegation is scheduled to <br />meet here in these Chambers on October 17. <br />Discussion ensued in comparing the Fellsmere situation with <br />the Town of Orchid, and Commissioner Eggert noted that she was <br />very worried about the Town of Orchid and would like to see this <br />Commission be involved in the situation because any number of <br />things could come into that property such as rezoning, etc. <br />Chairman Bird recalled that we have argued this before, and <br />while he assumed the threat was there,.nofhing has happened to <br />34 <br />