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agreed with Mr. Bireley that there was a misunderstanding that the <br />Chamber of Commerce would control these dollars. He explained that <br />his original plan in requesting the Commission to form the Tourist <br />Bureau is based on the fact that the statute outlined the <br />parameters in which we can do that; that bureau, through the <br />Chamber, would have access to tourism throughout the state, the <br />county and the world; and that we save money by not establishing a <br />separate bureau. The intent was not for them to dictate who gets <br />money. The tourist committee members are representatives of the <br />businesses that actually collect and raise the tourist taxes and if <br />they could actually sit down with the various groups who are <br />interested in creating tourism, they have a much keener <br />understanding and knowledge about what brings people in and what <br />works and what does not work. There is also a coordinating factor, <br />and if the calendars are coordinated into one and if everyone is <br />talking to each other, the dollars go a little bit farther. <br />Chairman Bird asked what would be the role of the Tourist <br />Development Council under that plan. <br />Commissioner Wheeler explained that the Tourist Development <br />Council would consider whatever concerns the County and the City <br />governments. For instance, when Save Our Shores comes in for funds <br />for a specific project on restoration, that would come directly to <br />the Tourist Development Council. We would have different divisions <br />that would deal with the Council, and Tourism, as such, would be <br />one of those divisions. Anybody that disagreed with the Chamber's <br />Tourist Board could certainly appeal to the County's Tourist <br />Development Council and, likewise, as they do now, they could also <br />appeal to the Commission. <br />Chairman Bird asked for clarification on -who would be coming <br />directly to the Indian River County Tourist Development Council and <br />who would be funnelled through the Chamber of Commerce Tourist <br />Bureau. <br />Commissioner Eggert felt part of the problem in the past was <br />the fact that there was so much discussion at Tourist Development <br />Council meetings that there was a desire to have a kind of private <br />review of the various requests so that some of the problems could <br />be shaken out before it goes to the public council hearing, and her <br />understanding was that the only things that would not come through <br />this channel would be county.and municipality. _ <br />Mr. Bireley saw a need for a group to screen applicants, using <br />more definite guidelines. He felt the screening committee should <br />almost be a subcommittee of the Tourist Development Council. It <br />should not come under the Chamber of Commerce nor under the arts; <br />it should be one representative from each of all of these groups. <br />5 <br />SEP ? 199 <br />BOOK, <br />U <br />