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I `o <br />*0 Ps 2 <br />BOOK <br />PAGE <br />funded because it was the major attraction of that activity. We <br />have not had any problem with the municipal requests such as the <br />parks and the parking lot that the City requested for Memorial <br />Island. We do not have a problem with the Chamber of Commerce with <br />their requests in supporting these projects. We had some special <br />request at the last budget session from Save Our Shores with their <br />study and, of course, beach restoration is authorized under the <br />statute. Our problem is these events. He felt it would help to <br />have groups in classifications. There are occasions when a request <br />comes in and that request should have gone through the City or the <br />Arts Council or one of the other main classifications. He <br />suggested a solution might be to establish that so many dollars <br />would be for bricks and mortar or for long-term activities. He <br />felt the Chamber acts as our promotion and advertising umbrella <br />with the role of promoting everything that is tourist related; they <br />have been so designated by the County as our Tourist Bureau. They <br />have no role in allocating dollars for these activities. Mr. <br />Bireley stated that the Tourist Development Council knows that <br />promotional dollars can be allocated for attracting tourists but <br />they are not sure if the broad word "promotion" includes supporting <br />the event itself. <br />Commissioner Scurlock presented a situation where an entity <br />would present an idea for a canoe race and they demonstrate the <br />ability to pull it off; that would be the first test. The next <br />test would be whether under the law they meet criteria one through <br />four; and in this case, they do. The next step would be to request <br />specific dollars and Commissioner Scurlock asked whether it would <br />be an acceptable approach to insist that a percentage of the <br />allocated dollars be used strictly for promotional activities, <br />brochures, printing and so forth and a smaller portion could be <br />applied to a band or some professional person, a referee, what have <br />you. <br />Commissioner Eggert agreed it is an approach, but when an <br />event has to totally depend on tourist dollars to function, then <br />that is too much support from tourist tax dollars. Commissioner <br />Eggert asked what the money was used for in the bicycle race. <br />OMB Director Baird responded that was used totally for <br />advertising and brochures. For the Bourbon Street event we paid <br />for the band and some of the costs affiliated with the stage and <br />setup costs <br />Commissioner Wheeler reported that information obtained <br />regarding the bicycle race and the summer festival showed that <br />there were no hotel or motel vacancies during those weekends and <br />during the bicycle weekend the campgrounds were also used. He <br />4 <br />