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4 l" <br />Bou 84 PA..GE 142 <br />To control node expansion and the amount of land <br />designated as commercial or industrial within the County. <br />Specifically, this policy ensures that the amount of <br />commercial/industrial land in the county corresponds to <br />the projected need. <br />To provide criteria for node expansion. The county has <br />designated certain land area for commercial and <br />industrial uses and will allow additional commercial/ <br />industrial land if certain criteria are met. The intent <br />of this policy is to set forth these conditions which <br />justify node expansion. <br />To relate node expansion to the needs of the market area <br />of the node. As with any comprehensive plan change, node <br />expansion must be supported by -adequate data and <br />analysis. In node expansion cases, that data and <br />analysis relates to the supply and demand of <br />commercial/ industrial land in specific areas-- <br />reas_ of the <br />County. If 70% of a node is built, this is an indicator <br />of need for additional commercial and industrial land in <br />the node. <br />Through implementation of policy 1.23, several problems acrd/or <br />issues have arisen. Some of these were identified by DCA during <br />their review of previously submitted plan amendment requests, while <br />others have .-become evident through staff's work with the <br />comprehensive plan and staff's interaction with applicants. <br />As adopted, policy 1.23 does not specify a methodology to be used <br />for node acreage determination. Consequently, staff and applicants <br />for node expansion have applied different methodologies to <br />determine node acreage and have obtained different results. While <br />the County staff has made its node acreage determinations utilizing <br />the property appraiser's tax map, node expansion applicants have <br />employed other methods such as the use of aerial photos, - <br />planimeters or surveys. The result has been slightly different <br />acreage figures with each method. <br />Since the major purpose of the policy is to ensure that a node is <br />sufficiently developed to warrant expansion, then what constitutes <br />the developed portion of a node becomes important. As written, the <br />policy does not provide sufficient guidance for determination of <br />the developed percentage of a node. This, like the node size <br />issue, has led to problems. Finally, policy 1.231 -does not specify <br />what circumstances would justify a node expansion request-�t-o--be <br />"otherwise warranted". <br />- Policies 1.19 and 4.3 <br />Policy 1.19 indicates that commercial and industrial land uses are <br />designated as nodes or corridors. Policy 4.3 also refers to nodes <br />and corridors. In reality, there is no distinction between a node <br />and a corridor, and the same criteria apply to both. It is <br />confusing to utilize different terminology for the same concept. <br />Policy 2.4 <br />This policy of the Future Land Use Element states that urban <br />Service Area (USA) designations are shown as an overlay on the land <br />use map. In reality the USA is not shown as an overlay; instead, ,. <br />it is designated "on" the future land use map. _. a <br />12 <br />M <br />